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Saturday, March 14, 2009

People who don't understand their job description

A lot of problems arise solely because people think they are entitled to more than what they actually deserve.
A lot of problems also arise when people misunderstand the extent of their own duties at work and thus get all grumpy when asked to do their job, coz primarily they see it as someone asking them to do what actually is not their job.
It is very necessary that everyone understands what their duties  at work are and then go ahead and do them no matter what.
Many people set up mediocre goals for themselves and therefore get angry when others ,esp the bosses expect more work  for what they are getting paid for.
Anyways, I went to one of these superstores looking for an oven and I looked around  and then talked to  the salespeople including the manager coz I was looking for a particular brand and they didn't carry the one that I wanted .
They canvassed for the one that they had, they even checked out if they had a new piece  down in their basement ,,that they could send over from the basement upstairs just  Incase I wanted to purchase right away.They were pushing a sale of the oven that they carried.
hmmmm. and so I tell them that I am gonna go home and come back if I decided on it.
That usually is a clue to them that I most prolly won't come back, esp since they didn't have the brand I wanted  in the first place anyways.
So, yeah, I go home and then after two hours of computing and comparing the designs and the models and prices I finally figured that the one they recommended was not bad after all.
I go back again, I travel a good 10 miles to go back there, And I tell them that I want to take the brand they had.
 And just like that suddenly the salesman who was so eager to please me in the morning suddenly says that All they had was the piece that was already on display and therefore, that display piece is the one they will be able to sell to me.
I say, "Oh no, but then you said you had a new piece ready to be sent over from the basement for my sake, please check"
The focking moron jackass says."oh, that one, we just sold it "
Ofcourse he didn't sell it, he is just a greedy ass who want to sell of a scratched piece to me now that I did him the favor of actually coming back for their product.
I get a lil angry and outraged and say " yeah, It has just been an hour or two since I left your store , Obviously you never sold anything, just go look , you might have a new piece down there "

He goes pretending to look , meanwhile, another lady , the one that talked to me the last time came around.

She wasn't aware that the other salesman had already lied to me that there was no new piece.
She asks,"oh, you came back, do you want me to get the bill ready? Yeah, we do have the new piece ready to ship" and the manager comes over and  confirms that the new piece will be billed for me and then suddenly this other sleazeball salesman runs over ,and they gossip , and suddenly everybody, all four of them, like right through their teeth. "Oh, that new one we already just sold. Ofcourse, we have this piece that we can give you "
SO , I get so enraged that I yell at them all ,saying that they have no idea what customer service is, and how foolish they are being by lying about the lack of a new piece .
I told them " I mean,don't you guys want to sell stuff or what? You guys are so foolish you are gonnna let customers walk away without buying anything rather than "
I guess, their plan in their cheap lil heads was that since ofcourse I came back, I probably think this is a major bargain and since I came back, they must now play hard and try and sell me a scratched piece. Ya know..

I told them " You are the sellers, you cannot sit and play all these petty lil games." and then this salesman suddenly starts speaking in his native tongue with this other lady prolly assuming that I won't understand his language. That made me even more angry. These people have the habit of babbling in their own language right in front of someone whom they want to bitch about prolly coz they assume that this third person won't know that language.

I got so angry and I told him, "I do understand what you just spoke to her and please don't lie to her  that you never told me that a new piece was available. Also, how rude is it to stand in front of a customer and suddenly speak in a language that you think they won't understand. And also you are so pathetic and greedy that just because I came back for it suddenly you just don't have any new pieces for shipment anymore??"

These guys kept convincing me that ofcourse everyone takes the pieces that are scratched and such. SERIOUSLY, did I have "LOSER WHO WILL BELIEVE ANYTHING", pasted on my forehead or what?

I mean ,If all customers just purchase scratched stuff , how come the one they apparently sold to this imaginary "another customer" in the past hour(allegedly) was a new piece instead of the scratched piece on display?
focking liars.
with such greedy b^%tards around  there is no way of getting rid of anger.
Ofcourse, I told them what I thought and I walked away.
Though ofcourse I wasted my gas travelling to and fro to that place. That is what i am angry about and I also wasted my only holiday on jackasses who ruined my mood for days after that.
One consolation is that I didn't give them my business. but hey, I so wanted a new oven .. damn.. Now I have to go talk to someone else. Waste of my time and my energy with these idiots

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