Alright, i actually prolly started off this blog way back last year, with answering this question.
Why do people gossip?
This question and the answer thereof is what made me name this blog is
Anyways, I am gonna try and answer this question again since ofcourse looks like my readers don't go read my archives. Do feel free to browse my archives before sending in questions , k?I prolly have already answered that question in this blog or in one of my other four blogs which you can reach by looking at the blogroll section to the right of the page.
So yeah,
Mostly , people gossip coz they have a lot of free time on their hands and they are so bored out of their minds that they want to while away the time by indulging in some kind of conversation. And what better conversation than a convo about a third person who is not there to defend themselves, yeah? Most people sit and groups and talk about a third person who is not physically present there coz it is easier to gossip about a third person than about each other. Makes the convo quite tolerable without any conflict.
sometimes people gossip while all they should be doing is their job at work. Ya know, those types that sit there on their work computers twittering away with strangers while they should actually be doing their job during that time. Why do people do that ? well, for one, they truly hate their job and are looking for some kind of distraction from that job that they hate so much. Secondly, prolly they don't know how to do their job, they are underqualified for their job to such an extent that attempting to do it intimidates them and therefore they resort to an immature coping mechanism to deal with job troubles by gossipping. In short, Gossiping can work as a distraction tool from hard to deal with situations.
Sometimes gossip can be used a deliberate tool to smear someone else's reputation.So, this kind of gossip is not the idle gossip kind but a well planned meticulously preconstructed convo which the person then pretend to rattle off as if they just are gossiping. A lot of namedropping, defamation etc takes places during the course of such gossips. Such gossips often take place at high profile gatherings, or fashion parties or idle worthless housewife parties etc.
Yeah, btw, sometimes extreme jealousy or insecurity can guide people to gossip about this other person whom they cannot fight out ethically or legally. In short, when you very well know that you are no match to this person in any given way, the resentment and insecurity is so intolerable that you see yourself going out of control in the gossip department and using gossip as a way to vent out your own insecurities.
In short, gossipping is a very non productive negative response to whatever life crisis you have. Surely, If you are too bored, go get a more productive hobby. Surely, If you don't like your job, go get a new job.Endless gossiping is not going to get your job done. Surely, if you are extremely jealous of someone else, examine why and try to make yourself better enough so that you don't feel insecure to the point of bitching..Ya know. think about it