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My hands.My hands-I use them to perform surgery-to paint-to sketch-to cook-to knit-My hands they are like my insurance.
Owing to my profession where i need to use my hands to examine patients I don't grow my nails long.My nail beds however are long and therefore my hands look ok even without growing my nails long.
So,mostly,my nails are neatly clipped.
I see many women grow their nails long and many of them get manicures on a regular basis.Not me,because first off.I think i don't need manicures--I am vain and arrogant about my pretty hands like that...ROLLS EYES.No,,the actualy reason is..I am lazy to give myself a manicure and I don't like the concept of making someone else clean my hand for me..Making someone else do your grooming jobs for you is like having slaves and I totally am against the idea of paying someone to clean my hands and feet and more so , paying someone to do something personal as a bikini wax or body massage.
Infact, i think a body massage is a very sensual thing..There is absolutely no way that i will not react if someone massaged my body..touch is one of the foremost sensual experiences . I have in the past, however,recieved amazing massages from my boyfriend(An Ex boyfriend now whom i have chosen to dearly hate..after all, hate is a emotion we choose to have)
So,yeah..needless to say.,in this 30 years of my lifetime.I rarely if ever have gotten a manicure..I just let my hands be.I clean them before and after performing surgery--the powder inside the surgical gloves dries down my cuticles around the nailbed...but yet, luckily,blame it on good genes,somehow my hands have managed to remain presentable..
I also have burned the dorsum of my right hand each time i make cookies because i want to attempt the bravado of picking up the cookie tray without wearing an oven mitten..i am stupidly courageous like that..My right hand now has many little memoir scars from such oven adventures.
Very recently I decided to grow my nails long for a week.Just so that i can paint them and take pictures and revel at my pretty hands forever..After all i am getting older and one day..the oven scars will be too many and the wrinkles will start and i will look back with nothing but a memory of my pretty hands which seldom ever get pampered
Here is a picture of my hands..I painted them light lilac. I am holding my bamboo flute--yes.I play the bamboo flute..Not like an expert ..But,I think, I can become an expert if I practiced more often..Much like surgery..The more you practice the faster you get at it ...Hands.. hands are like my insurance in the field of surgery.
Here goes another pic.