See the picture below and notedown the very first word you notice in that picture
I was reading Jason's blog the other day and he had posted a blog entry dated December 21, 2010 titled Secrets and had asked all of us to reblog this to our own blogspot friends and readers..Much like a blog meme
Judging from the title of jason's blog, I think, the first word that he spotted was SECRETS
Anyways , WHAT I THINK IS,All these blog meme quizzes are more for entertainment value and are for "knowing more about each other via questionnaire" rather than holding any REAL actual scientific value to ALLOW to psychoanalyze you based on your likes and dislikes.Doing that would make the mind matter far too simple to defragment, no?
However,, this "spot the first word you see" is based on a particular psychoanalytical technique which is scientifically RELEVANT,which is why I post this blog entry in my "ANTIDOTE TO ANGER" blog which deals with psychology,and sociology on a regular basis("not-so-regular basis" as it appears off late.LOL)
See, let me break this test down for you
All of us have thoughts each day
We think about this and that and many such things as the hours in a day pass by.
Many thoughts that we have at any given time are often associated with issues happening right there and then to us, and some issues are there at the back of our mind and there are also even more pressing issues that we are secretly racking our brains with too.
So, when a picture with many multiple hidden words in presented like a SUDOKU puzzle to us,our mind tends to spot what interests us most at that given point and what interests us most is what is already in our subconscious mind right then
So,the word we spot is essentially an indicator of what might be preoccupying our head just right then
We tend to notice things we already are thinking of subconsciously,more so than even see things that might actually be there .Our minds haven't really thought about that possibility CONSCIOUSLY though!
we see what we think we see or what we assume we must see or what we expect to see
We see what we already have formulated in our head ..
So,why perhaps did I chose the word FOOL?
Just before going to that blog entry,I was kinda thinking of "what an emotional fool I was" and just to take my mind off things, went to browse jason's blog and then it baffled me when the first word I spotted was FOOL...
Quickly I went to read if everyone else also had spotted FOOL first.
Scientific psychoanalysis must rule out FALSE POSITIVES..(JUST can't TAKE THE SCIENTIST DOCTOR OUT OF ME)
In some MENTALIST exercises,certain cards or words are deliberately designed in such a way that everyone will end up noticing the very same thing first...So,I just wanted to rule out that this puzzle card wasn't some MENTALIST GIMMICK
Thus, when a magician asks you flip through a magazine and remember one page., the MAGIC the magazine is designed in such a pattern or manner, that eventually, one page is more prominent than others,,very subtly so, and thus all of us end up registering the very same thing. and so when the magician reveals the words you made a mental note of,you think it is magic..but it is really NOT
This is how many CARD TRICKS that appear regularly on those " mind-game-magic-shows" happen on TV too
Anyways, coming back to this test,I just had to rule out that this picture was not yet another cleverly designed magic trick
It wasn't
I was relieved to find that others had spotted other words..So, this is not a eye trick kinda indeedy...this was a mind reader test..
And i spotted FOOL
Read some more of my blogs!
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Search query answers
Why do men leave you after having a baby ?
Withdrawing yourself from distressing people and situations reduces anger development
women's issues
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
dec 2010,
subconscious mind
Sunday, June 20, 2010
The Evolution of a sketch-A man , A woman and A password
originally posted on
3/31/10 8:19 AM
This is a TWO-IN-ONE blog.A small NOVEL at that.
It is long,.so gear up with a nice beverage of choice to read this.
Many of my twitter friends know about my blogs where I showcase my sketches or visual art projects from time to time.
This blog entry is one of them.
I am not a professional artist.I am a physician by profession but I do take the time to include art in my life,chiefly by painting,sketching,knitting,sewing,photography,singing and dancing and whatever else i can muster up in this life of mine.
Also , please note that I have had NO FORMAL TRAINING in sketching.Recently my godfather tried teaching the basics of watercolors..But as many of you can understand..watercolors is quite different pencil/charcoal portrait sketches.

I usually choose my poetry and poise blog to post my art related posts, but since this is a TWO IN ONE BLOG , and since the topic on hand has got more to do with relationships, I decided that my ANTIDOTE TO ANGER BLOG is a better choice to post this blog entry on.
The peeps you see in the sketch above are TIFF aka @tropicalia20 and JAMES aka @sillybeggar..The MAN AND WOMAN in question..What about the password , you ask? well! read on
This is a TWO-IN-ONE blog .As I go along, I not only will talk about them ,I will also insert step-by-step evolution sketches of the Final portraits that I made of them both.
Let us start the story with JAMES.
Why..on Twitter of course!
Much like all of my other sketch subjects here on the lecinqblog -blog set.Go here to see all sketches so far
Way way back last year , JAMES followed me on twitter when he was promoting his then upcoming book THE SILLY BEGGAR.
I followed him back, primarily, because I found his reply tweets on his TWITTER HOME PAGE quite witty..Not the 'American-kinda-ROFLMAO-KINDA' funny , but this OTHER 'Simple-wordplay-kinda Scottish' funny.:))
BTW,I call him my Scottish Brother.He is helpful and will give you advice if you ask him nicely.That is what a bro does,,doesn't he? And yeah..he is from Scotland..The land of cute lilted sounding accent of the English language..I like the Scottish accent so much more than I like the British accent.
What JAMES AND I have in common?
Well, for one..he sketches..he sketches cartoons and animation for most part.I sketch and paint ..So we have an Artists connection right there.
I am a writer and I blog and I have a website ..he is an author and he writes and he has a WEBSITE too.
He is funny and I am pretty funny too(but only if want to be.For most part,I pretend to be serious>>Though,basically I am secretly a funny goof at heart)
He likes eating baked goods..and of course I like eating baked goods too..We both are foodies!!!
In fact I remember James telling me why he married Tiff when I asked him to tell me more about their love and marriage. etc etc..He said something akin to , " She likes baking cakes and I like eating cakes..So, we decided to get married." LOL..I am sure there is more to the story..but he won't let me in on the secret..
Why do I like JAMES?
I have to have liked James in order for me to have sketched their portraits in the first place.(pssst. please be in my good books and you will one day see your portrait on the golden pages of the
So yeah coming back to ' why do I like james'?
First off, way back, james came to twitter with what I PRESUME>> an attempt to promote his then upcoming book.
I have seen many a writer on TWITTER just follow all kindsa peeps randomly and then try to promote their book ALL IN A BUSINESSPERSON LIKE MANNER..
I hate such marketing.
I mean,Essentially, many writers will come on twitter, follow us, never read our tweets, but expect us to follow you back and then follow you like a herd of sheep or rats and then just buy your book..hmmmm..Sigh.what greed
He was able to see the bigger picture in life..
A give and take..
He saw that every person he interacts with on a personal level will be a READER FOR LIFE..
I like peeps that are able to see the bigger picture in life..
peeps who are able to understand the concept of kind words that come from the heart and peeps who are scottishly sentimental with their tweets..LOL.
Also, at around the same time that he followed me..I was on twitter trying to figure out BOOK PUBLISHING and had DMed or @replied(don't quite remember which) James, asking him for advice..
Mind you.,
At that time.,I had sent such similar 'advice-seeking-messages' to other writers ,who, incidentally also followed me on twitter at around the same time as James did .But much like many PETTY people, they never wrote back..
There are many petty people in this world, who will only do or say things if there is some immediate gratification or benefit to them.It is only about what they get..nothing about what they give..
Given the fact that 10 months down the line James in still on my list and I have sketched his portrait now indicates that ..JAMES IS NOT ONE OF THOSE PETTY PEOPLE.
He wrote back ! He wrote back with advice and also shared his experience with how he got his book published..VERY HELPFUL BRO..big hugs for that.
Friendships are based on trust and respect and FREQUENT INTERACTION.
Once I see that a person hasn't been on Twitter for long or has not been interacting with me for long or have said something on twitter which I found >>does not match my ideology,I remove them from my FOLLOWER'S LIST AND FOLLOWING LIST.....
I am not one of those people who will keep people on the lists just to SHOW BIG NUMBERS..
Who am i showing it to?I don't care for SHOW at all.I am very self assured like that..I don't need no show to boost my self esteem..
Anyways coming back to James..more about why he is still on the list.
Back around that time,much like now,from time to time,I used to share a url link (to an interestingly long blog entry of mine) with all my twitter friends .Ya know,Just to let them know the NON 140 character Lecinq that I am .
Each time that I SHARED A BLOG URL LINKwith him, James religiously came and REALLY READ MY BLOG and then really sincerely shared his opinion about the matter.He either left a comment on the blog or DMed or @replied me..
He did it with such sincerity..that I immediately made him my SCOTTISH BROTHER..For one.he is scottish and I think that scottish people are very EMOTIONALLY SENTIMENTAL PEOPLE...A scottish brother is the best to have,only the second best to having a SCOTTISH HUSBAND..
And for a moment I was like.."Awww, How sweet!!HOW TIGHT MUST THEIR RELATIONSHIP BE for him to share his password with her and for her to actually take time to do his PR while he is out of town.." Such an understanding can only come between couples only when there is 100% TRUST, and also a GREAT FRIENDSHIP , In addition to romance etc etc.IMMEDIATELY in my head..their relationship became a prototype of what a modern day marriage must be
Before attempting to sketch either one of them I wrote to james asking for their pictures..I had to ask it in such a manner as to not give out the SURPRISE factor of what I am attempting right now..I am sure James must have been of the idea back then that i am gonna PROLLY put up their pictures along with some lame ass blog entry..I am hoping both of them appreciate the time I invested in actually sketching them out and also the glorious terms I am using in this blog entry to describe them...LOL.

Share what you do on the internet with them.
Have a trusting sharing relationship like they both have with each other
I have often seen a lot of men and sometimes women too, lead a second clandestine life on the internet..They interact flirtatiously with people and for all I care,their partners at home don't even know of this fact.Such two faced behavior is a hallmark of a broken relationship with your real life partner..TRANSPARENCY IS VERY IMPORTANT FOR A TRUSTING MEANINGFUL RELATIONSHIP to happen and to remain real for a long time.
1/If you have a wife/husband/GF./BF..proudly display them on your twitter friends list .let them interact with your internet friends too.
2/If you spend a lot of time on the internet WHILE IN A RELATIONSHIP OR MARRIAGE, It is that much of time that you take away from spending with your spouse.If you see yourself spending far more time on the internet as a means to escape from spending actual time with your partner, it is time to REEVALUATE YOUR RELATIONSHIP..To see if there is something wrong.
3/If you spend a lot of time on the internet,please choose partners that are as TECH SAVVY as you are ..That way they are technically equipped to KEEP TABS ON YOU.I have often seen very tech savvy men be with women who don't even know how to maintain a blog..So, these silly women are quite oblivious of the NEFARIOUS sinful acts their men do on the internet...hmmmmm..This is a topic for a whole other blog entry..But what i am trying to say is..DON'T DELIBERATELY CHOOSE women/men who are so technically illiterate they WON'T FIND OUT what you are up to on the net.That is like deliberately choosing a victim.
Big hugs to all readers..Please share your opinion on this issue or on the sketches or anything else right down in the COMMENTS SECTION..or as is usual with many of can @reply me with your reactions..
3/31/10 8:19 AM
This is a TWO-IN-ONE blog.A small NOVEL at that.
It is long,.so gear up with a nice beverage of choice to read this.
Many of my twitter friends know about my blogs where I showcase my sketches or visual art projects from time to time.
This blog entry is one of them.
I am not a professional artist.I am a physician by profession but I do take the time to include art in my life,chiefly by painting,sketching,knitting,sewing,photography,singing and dancing and whatever else i can muster up in this life of mine.
Also , please note that I have had NO FORMAL TRAINING in sketching.Recently my godfather tried teaching the basics of watercolors..But as many of you can understand..watercolors is quite different pencil/charcoal portrait sketches.
I usually choose my poetry and poise blog to post my art related posts, but since this is a TWO IN ONE BLOG , and since the topic on hand has got more to do with relationships, I decided that my ANTIDOTE TO ANGER BLOG is a better choice to post this blog entry on.
The peeps you see in the sketch above are TIFF aka @tropicalia20 and JAMES aka @sillybeggar..The MAN AND WOMAN in question..What about the password , you ask? well! read on
This is a TWO-IN-ONE blog .As I go along, I not only will talk about them ,I will also insert step-by-step evolution sketches of the Final portraits that I made of them both.
Let us start the story with JAMES.
Why..on Twitter of course!
Much like all of my other sketch subjects here on the lecinqblog -blog set.Go here to see all sketches so far
Way way back last year , JAMES followed me on twitter when he was promoting his then upcoming book THE SILLY BEGGAR.
I followed him back, primarily, because I found his reply tweets on his TWITTER HOME PAGE quite witty..Not the 'American-kinda-ROFLMAO-KINDA' funny , but this OTHER 'Simple-wordplay-kinda Scottish' funny.:))
BTW,I call him my Scottish Brother.He is helpful and will give you advice if you ask him nicely.That is what a bro does,,doesn't he? And yeah..he is from Scotland..The land of cute lilted sounding accent of the English language..I like the Scottish accent so much more than I like the British accent.
What JAMES AND I have in common?
Well, for one..he sketches..he sketches cartoons and animation for most part.I sketch and paint ..So we have an Artists connection right there.
I am a writer and I blog and I have a website ..he is an author and he writes and he has a WEBSITE too.
He is funny and I am pretty funny too(but only if want to be.For most part,I pretend to be serious>>Though,basically I am secretly a funny goof at heart)
He likes eating baked goods..and of course I like eating baked goods too..We both are foodies!!!
In fact I remember James telling me why he married Tiff when I asked him to tell me more about their love and marriage. etc etc..He said something akin to , " She likes baking cakes and I like eating cakes..So, we decided to get married." LOL..I am sure there is more to the story..but he won't let me in on the secret..
Why do I like JAMES?
I have to have liked James in order for me to have sketched their portraits in the first place.(pssst. please be in my good books and you will one day see your portrait on the golden pages of the
So yeah coming back to ' why do I like james'?
First off, way back, james came to twitter with what I PRESUME>> an attempt to promote his then upcoming book.
I have seen many a writer on TWITTER just follow all kindsa peeps randomly and then try to promote their book ALL IN A BUSINESSPERSON LIKE MANNER..
I hate such marketing.
I mean,Essentially, many writers will come on twitter, follow us, never read our tweets, but expect us to follow you back and then follow you like a herd of sheep or rats and then just buy your book..hmmmm..Sigh.what greed
He was able to see the bigger picture in life..
A give and take..
He saw that every person he interacts with on a personal level will be a READER FOR LIFE..
I like peeps that are able to see the bigger picture in life..
peeps who are able to understand the concept of kind words that come from the heart and peeps who are scottishly sentimental with their tweets..LOL.
Also, at around the same time that he followed me..I was on twitter trying to figure out BOOK PUBLISHING and had DMed or @replied(don't quite remember which) James, asking him for advice..
Mind you.,
At that time.,I had sent such similar 'advice-seeking-messages' to other writers ,who, incidentally also followed me on twitter at around the same time as James did .But much like many PETTY people, they never wrote back..
There are many petty people in this world, who will only do or say things if there is some immediate gratification or benefit to them.It is only about what they get..nothing about what they give..
Given the fact that 10 months down the line James in still on my list and I have sketched his portrait now indicates that ..JAMES IS NOT ONE OF THOSE PETTY PEOPLE.
He wrote back ! He wrote back with advice and also shared his experience with how he got his book published..VERY HELPFUL BRO..big hugs for that.
Like Many of my regular readers on Twitter know..I have this annoying habit..This habit of constantly cropping down my follower's list..
YES,,you heard it right. FollowER's a bare minimum..I also trim down my following list.I do this because I am here on twitter to form a small friends group,who are friends with ME just for moral support or just coz we share similar ideas..No monetary business partners.. no bullshit..Just generous friends seeking nothing in return except intellectual compatibility
Friendships are based on trust and respect and FREQUENT INTERACTION.
Once I see that a person hasn't been on Twitter for long or has not been interacting with me for long or have said something on twitter which I found >>does not match my ideology,I remove them from my FOLLOWER'S LIST AND FOLLOWING LIST.....
I am not one of those people who will keep people on the lists just to SHOW BIG NUMBERS..
Who am i showing it to?I don't care for SHOW at all.I am very self assured like that..I don't need no show to boost my self esteem..
Anyways coming back to James..more about why he is still on the list.
Back around that time,much like now,from time to time,I used to share a url link (to an interestingly long blog entry of mine) with all my twitter friends .Ya know,Just to let them know the NON 140 character Lecinq that I am .
Each time that I SHARED A BLOG URL LINKwith him, James religiously came and REALLY READ MY BLOG and then really sincerely shared his opinion about the matter.He either left a comment on the blog or DMed or @replied me..
He did it with such sincerity..that I immediately made him my SCOTTISH BROTHER..For one.he is scottish and I think that scottish people are very EMOTIONALLY SENTIMENTAL PEOPLE...A scottish brother is the best to have,only the second best to having a SCOTTISH HUSBAND..
Who is Tiff?
Why, Ofcourse, Tiff is James' wife..Pretty, smart , tough and Talented wife.
The lucky recipient of the Scottish husband ..LOL
It happened in quite an unplanned accidental manner.As is customary with me, I will ask after my twitter friends from time to time.Ya know,that friendly , 'LONG TIME, NO SEE, PITCH ME in on news from your side please, kinda' Tweet.
During one such enquiry, TIFF wrote back saying that she is writing in on behalf of james because he is out of town promoting his book on TV or radio or some such..
Before attempting to sketch either one of them I wrote to james asking for their pictures..I had to ask it in such a manner as to not give out the SURPRISE factor of what I am attempting right now..I am sure James must have been of the idea back then that i am gonna PROLLY put up their pictures along with some lame ass blog entry..I am hoping both of them appreciate the time I invested in actually sketching them out and also the glorious terms I am using in this blog entry to describe them...LOL.
I was surprised to find that both Tiff and I have a lot in common too.
Well, for one,she is into graphic design and if any of you peeps keep up with my ever changing twitter backgrounds,I design my own BACKGROUNDS >Either with my sketches or my visual art.
Tiff is also an avid baker..I am too...If you want proof , you can go either to HER BAKING BLOG or to MY VEGETARIAN BLOG ....We both love cooking..So,,I am so sure..we will get along mightily if we meet in real life
One most recent development has been that of Tiff passing her Nursing finals..She is a nurse and I am a physician(medical doctor) is belong to the medical field.
If you have a spouse or a GF/BF..proudly display them on the internet website or blogpage or twitter.(Both of them have url links to the others website right there on their own website..that is what is called a TRANSPARENT RELATIONSHIP.)Share what you do on the internet with them.
Have a trusting sharing relationship like they both have with each other
I have often seen a lot of men and sometimes women too, lead a second clandestine life on the internet..They interact flirtatiously with people and for all I care,their partners at home don't even know of this fact.Such two faced behavior is a hallmark of a broken relationship with your real life partner..TRANSPARENCY IS VERY IMPORTANT FOR A TRUSTING MEANINGFUL RELATIONSHIP to happen and to remain real for a long time.
1/If you have a wife/husband/GF./BF..proudly display them on your twitter friends list .let them interact with your internet friends too.
2/If you spend a lot of time on the internet WHILE IN A RELATIONSHIP OR MARRIAGE, It is that much of time that you take away from spending with your spouse.If you see yourself spending far more time on the internet as a means to escape from spending actual time with your partner, it is time to REEVALUATE YOUR RELATIONSHIP..To see if there is something wrong.
3/If you spend a lot of time on the internet,please choose partners that are as TECH SAVVY as you are ..That way they are technically equipped to KEEP TABS ON YOU.I have often seen very tech savvy men be with women who don't even know how to maintain a blog..So, these silly women are quite oblivious of the NEFARIOUS sinful acts their men do on the internet...hmmmmm..This is a topic for a whole other blog entry..But what i am trying to say is..DON'T DELIBERATELY CHOOSE women/men who are so technically illiterate they WON'T FIND OUT what you are up to on the net.That is like deliberately choosing a victim.
Big hugs to all readers..Please share your opinion on this issue or on the sketches or anything else right down in the COMMENTS SECTION..or as is usual with many of can @reply me with your reactions..
june 2010,
Sometimes not expressing anger kinda makes the anger go away
Copyright(c)2009 Lecinqblog.Please do not reproduce without permission from Author.
I know, I often say on this blog that VERBALIZATION is very important to let go off that bottled up anger.
But, today , I am teaching you all another very good technique to let go of the anger.A completely opposite technique at that.
If the issue on hand is a small one,then on some occasions,IGNORING IT is a great idea.
Not acknowledging at all, totally erases the distress that it might possibly cause if it is acknowledged as a problem at all.
Yes,, that technique might easily qualify as a EGO DEFENCE, that I often talk about on my twitter stream and on this blog here.A bad habit...But today, is a new day, with a new idea from me.
If you have been having a nagging fear of some sort...don't over play it,,don't over verbalize it..Just ignore it. and then see the difference..THE ANGER JUST FIZZES OUT when you ignore it..
I know, I often say on this blog that VERBALIZATION is very important to let go off that bottled up anger.
But, today , I am teaching you all another very good technique to let go of the anger.A completely opposite technique at that.
If the issue on hand is a small one,then on some occasions,IGNORING IT is a great idea.
Not acknowledging at all, totally erases the distress that it might possibly cause if it is acknowledged as a problem at all.
Yes,, that technique might easily qualify as a EGO DEFENCE, that I often talk about on my twitter stream and on this blog here.A bad habit...But today, is a new day, with a new idea from me.
If you have been having a nagging fear of some sort...don't over play it,,don't over verbalize it..Just ignore it. and then see the difference..THE ANGER JUST FIZZES OUT when you ignore it..
june 2010
Thursday, May 13, 2010
How cultural marginalization can creat a new vocabulary of English
Copyright(c)2009 Lecinqblog.Please do not reproduce without permission from Author.
Ever since i joined Twitter, I have been majorly slacking in the BLOGGING department.
But just a while ago,
A tweet that I posted triggered off a major argument amongst a group of fellow tweeters who mistook my Intent behind that tweet as RACISM.
Hence I just want to take the opportunity on this blog to CLARIFY my stand.
I DIDN'T MEAN TO BE RACIST . It is funny how a person's OWN mindset and thought process allows them to come to INACCURATE conclusions about me.
I have a question,How come everyone on twitter,irrespective of country of origin, is speaking in CLASSIC AFRICAN AMERICAN GHETTO VOCABULARY? about 7 hours ago via web
The meaning essentially behind that tweet was more about
LINGUISTICS-The science of language and sociology AND not as much as some ILL INFORMED racist comment.
We all learn a language by hearing it.yeah?We hear our parents speak and then we learn .We listen to people around us speaking with a certain accent or vocabulary , we pick the accent and vocabulary as well.
So basically, In order to be able to pick up a particular vocabulary or accent of english, You need to be exposed to native speakers of that DIALECT
Speaking of dialect, You need to understand that , Spanish though spoken in Mexico and Spain, is quite differently spoken in each of these countries.Similarly prior to RACIAL INTEGRATION IN AMERICA, BUT DURING THE PERIOD WHEN SLAVERY WAS ALREADY ABOLISHED most FORMER AFRICAN AMERICAN SLAVES got culturally marginalized into living in poor neighborhoods called ghettos.Many other foreign immigrants were also similarly DISCRIMINATED AGAINST during that time and were paid very very less and thus other Ethnic NON-WHITE communities also ended up living in the ghettos alongside the African Americans.
Soon, what developed was a new vocubulary of English that was quite different from what the Then White people spoke..
After all, ENGLISH is a European language..yeah?
Anyone who first learned it , especially if from other non english speaking communities did so as a SECOND LANGUAGE..and so, they spoke in an accent much akin to the sounds of their native language.
So, coming back to cultural maginalization of non white ethnic groups to ghettos for decades led to a newer vocabulary with newer words...adapted from each of their own ethnic languages...but this Ghetto english was only limited to America.
Now in today's america==with Hip-hop lyrics being so popular and the whole African American culture which developed during older times becoming COOL..More and more people are more familiar with those terms which at one point of time were not known outside of the ghettos..
So,yeah.that is all I meant..when i wrote that tweet.
..How and where does this difference arise from?
It arises from the local culture, the financial situation etc..
The tweet was also a musing about how PEOPLE IN KENYA AND NIGERIA..who are my twitter friends , have managed to learn this language.
Surely, Kenya is geographically very very far away from say Newyork or Chicago yeah? Where words like "Ass whooping" "Mami" are not supposed to be part of normal kenyan everyday english.
That is when it occurred to me that TWITTER was acting as THE MEDIUM FOR CULTURAL INTERMINGLING.
I also have to clarify here that I didn't mean that tweet in Any given racist way at all..I am far from racist...
coming back to the Twitter story,,As soon as i Posted that Tweet, One of my very good friends
@SAFARI_BLACK totally took offence to that tweet and RTed ...he seemed very angry.
Some other person then read that RT and automatically assumed that I am this "white chick" and then RTed it too, adding a caustic preface to the RT..
What was sad was that both safari and this other lady automatically first assumed that I am not black and they also assumed I am this rich white chick and somehow because I am this rich white chick I have no right to talk about Ghetto English..boy!!!
I CLEARLY APOLOGIZE , first off , if that tweet either came across as ILL-INFORMED, or RACIST in any way,.I DIDN'T MEAN IT IN THAT WAY AT ALL.
I also took the time to clarify it with SAFARI and others on twitter..
MY FIRST TWEET that caused trouble
I have a question,How come everyone on twitter,irrespective of country of origin, is speaking in CLASSIC AFRICAN AMERICAN GHETTO VOCABULARY? about 7 hours ago via web
SAFARI_BLACK says to me
@Lecinqblog -Excuse me lady What exactly is "Classic AFRICAN AMERICAN Ghetto Vocabulary" ?? that statement makes u sound like Bill O'reilly about 7 hours ago via web in reply to Lecinqblog
SAFARI_BLACK says to me
WtF ? "Classic African American Ghetto Vocabulary??" Gtfo My timeline with that Racist Ass Colonial white sheet KKK talk about 7 hours ago via web
SAFARI_BLACK says as in he RTs me with a p.s.
I hve a question,How come everyone on twitter,irrespective of country of origin, is spkng in CLASSIC AFRICAN AMERICAN GHETTO VOCAB? <- WTF about 7 hours ago via web
Rt- @Lecinqblog I hve a ?How come everyone on twitter,irrespective of country of origin, is spkng in CLASSIC AFRICAN AMERICAN GHETTO VOCAB? about 7 hours ago via web
Lecinqblog says this
@SAFARI_BLACK it is not racist at all. In the ghettos, African americans often ending up living with mexicans and other ethnic groups. about 7 hours ago via web in reply to SAFARI_BLACK
Lecinqblog says this
@SAFARI_BLACK this accidental cultural intermingling that occured due to similar econcomic background led to a new breed of english language about 7 hours ago via web in reply to SAFARI_BLACK
SAFARI_BLACK says this
@Lecinqblog - African American Is not a race its a Label created by Europeans There is NO country called AFRICA AMERICA about 7 hours ago via web in reply to Lecinqblog
SAFARI_BLACK says this
@Lecinqblog - There is no such thing as a "new Breed" Of language . We are not from Europe about 7 hours ago via web in reply to Lecinqblog
IamRah says this
Please read what this white chick tweeted RT @SAFARI_BLACK: Rt- @Lecinqblog I hve a ?How come everyone on (cont) about 7 hours ago via UberTwitter
SAFARI_BLACK says this
@Lecinqblog - you do not define what Our language is , and thats completely whats wrong with america , Colonialist attemptiong to define about 7 hours ago via web in reply to Lecinqblog
SAFARI_BLACK says this
@Lecinqblog - cont. Attempting to define Our culture... i have no desire to claim any parts of Europe MRs. about 7 hours ago via web in reply to Lecinqblog
SAFARI_BLACK says this
@Lecinqblog - i dont tell Jews how to rock Yamukahs , I dont tell the Chinaman how to harvest wheatgrass .. stay out that lane please about 6 hours ago via web in reply to Lecinqblog
Lecinqblog says this
@IamRah it is funny how U automatically assume I am a "white" "chick".That tweet was more about LANGUAGE EVOLUTION and not meant 2 B racist about 5 hours ago via web in reply to IamRah
Lecinqblog says this
@SAFARI_BLACK what is 'YOUR'language.I think you are being more racist when U ASSUME that i am a european viking sister.I live in the ghetto about 5 hours ago via web in reply to SAFARI_BLACK
Lecinqblog says this
@SAFARI_BLACK I live in the ghetto sir and I am NOT A EUROPEAN WHITE CHICK.I was only talking about LINGUISITICS. about 5 hours ago via web in reply to SAFARI_BLACK
Lecinqblog says this
@SAFARI_BLACK You seem to be more racist.You are stereotyping jew behavior, stererotyping chinaman behavior.Look at yourself.geezus about 5 hours ago via web in reply to SAFARI_BLACK
Lecinqblog says this
@SAFARI_BLACK I live in the Ghetto and it is MY CULTURE too as much as it is your culture.So, you don't STAKE SOLE RIGHTS on the ghetto now about 5 hours ago via web in reply to SAFARI_BLACK
Lecinqblog says this
@IamRah I have to clarify that i was making an observation about LINGUISTICS.It was meant to be racist in any given way. about 5 hours ago via web in reply to IamRah
Lecinqblog says this
CLARIFICATION:CLASSIC(post slavery but before cultural integration in schools) AFRICAN(=Ethnic origin)AMERICAN(nationality) GHETTO(economic) about 5 hours ago via web
Lecinqblog says this
The phrase "African American" is NOT RACIST just like the phrases "Italian American" "chinese American" "Indian American" ARE NOT RACIST.pls about 5 hours ago via web
Lecinqblog says this
People learn vocabulary by hearing.So,it just surprised me that people from kenya R using words like"MAMI"(mexican), "Ass-whooping(brooklyn) about 5 hours ago via web
Lecinqblog says this
Then i figured that Kenyans are learning this new vocabulary from their African American counterparts via twitter.CULTURAL INTERMINGLING about 5 hours ago via web
Lecinqblog says this
@SAFARI_BLACK I am sorry sir If I offended you in any way , but it was only an observation on LINGUISTIC EVOLUTION,not meant in a racist way about 5 hours ago via web in reply to SAFARI_BLACK
Lecinqblog says this
American History:Slavery-african orgin peeps R forced into slavery in America>Abolition of slavery>DELIBERATE cultural segregation in ghetto about 5 hours ago via web
Lecinqblog says this
American History:Many mexicans Illegally immigrate in2 America>Due 2 illegal status they fail 2 get well paying jobs>end up living in ghetto about 5 hours ago via web
Lecinqblog says this
American History:There were very INHUMAN,CRUEL laws back in early 1930s against CHINESE workers>resulting in them living in ghettos about 5 hours ago via web
Lecinqblog says this
AMERICAN HISTORY:By 1950s cultural and economic segregation of non whites in ghettos led to a rich new culture,language developing there about 5 hours ago via web
Lecinqblog says this
American History:Linguistics:coz Italians,African Americans,chinese Americans and Mexican Americans lived together in ghetto=new vocabulary about 5 hours ago via web
Lecinqblog says this
@SAFARI_BLACK CLASSIC(old world PRE racial integration in America)AFRICAN(Ethnicity) AMERICAN(nationality)Ghetto(low socio economic group) about 5 hours ago via web in reply to SAFARI_BLACK
Lecinqblog says this
CLARIFICATION:I was only talking about the new words that have been added to the english language due to cultural intermingling in ghetto. about 5 hours ago via web
Lecinqblog says this
CLARIFICATION: Examples of Ghetto english: "Ass whooping" where "whooping" being a distortion of the word "whipping", 'AKS" which is "ASK" about 5 hours ago via web
IamRah says this
@Lecinqblog No what is funny is tht u r addressing me instd of the Brother who called u out. U think I'm less threatening? And IDC what u r. about 5 hours ago via UberTwitter in reply to Lecinqblog
IamRah says this
@Lecinqblog Do not tweet me directly. U r not worthy... about 5 hours ago via UberTwitter in reply to Lecinqblog
Lecinqblog says this
@IamRah is coz you RTed what he RTed and called me "white" "chick" .Just had to clarify that I am not white and I am NOT RACIST. about 5 hours ago via web in reply to IamRah
IamRah says this
@Lecinqblog @SAFARI_BLACK Did she say she lives in the ghetto so it's her culture too? Who says we're from the ghetto?? Stop tweeting chick. about 5 hours ago via UberTwitter in reply to Lecinqblog
IamRah says this
This chick needs help... RT @Lecinqblog: @SAFARI_BLACK I live in the Ghetto and it is MY CULTURE too as much as (cont) about 5 hours ago via UberTwitter
SAFARI_BLACK says this
@Lecinqblog - Fyi , neither of those terms are racist . about 5 hours ago via web
Lecinqblog says this
@SAFARI_BLACK what is 'YOUR'language.I think you are being more racist when U ASSUME that i am a european viking sister.I live in the ghetto about 5 hours ago via web
SAFARI_BLACK says this
@Lecinqblog - And the reason i know your a white supremecist is that if you were not when it was noted that u had offended u wld have stepd about 5 hours ago via web
Lecinqblog says this
@SAFARI_BLACK That tweet was basically about LANGAUGE EVOLUTION that happens in communities where cultural mingling is maximum about 5 hours ago via web in reply to SAFARI_BLACK
Lecinqblog says this
@SAFARI_BLACK I didn't mean to be racist in any give me..if it came across that way, my apologies about 5 hours ago via web in reply to SAFARI_BLACK
SAFARI_BLACK says this
@Lecinqblog - U wld have stepped bck and reviewed and appologized . My statement was that i dont define the culture of other ppl about 5 hours ago via web
Lecinqblog says this
@SAFARI_BLACK sir.I have 2 clarify that I actually live in the ghetto and I am not WHITE.That tweet was abt LINGUISTICS.don't misunderstand! about 5 hours ago via web in reply to SAFARI_BLACK
Lecinqblog says this
@SAFARI_BLACK I apologized and clarified way back but by then you had already blocked me and gone off. about 5 hours ago via web in reply to SAFARI_BLACK
Lecinqblog says this
@SAFARI_BLACK I live in the ghetto sir and I am NOT A EUROPEAN WHITE CHICK.I was only talking about LINGUISTICS. about 5 hours ago via web
Lecinqblog says this
@SAFARI_BLACK You seem to be more racist.You are stereotyping jew behavior, stereotyping chinaman behavior.Look at yourself.geezus about 5 hours ago via web
Lecinqblog says this
@SAFARI_BLACK I live in the Ghetto and it is MY CULTURE too as much as it is your culture.So, you don't STAKE SOLE RIGHTS on the ghetto now about 5 hours ago via web
Lecinqblog says this
CLARIFICATION:CLASSIC(post slavery but before cultural integration in schools) AFRICAN(=Ethnic origin)AMERICAN(nationality) GHETTO(economic) about 5 hours ago via web
Lecinqblog says this
The phrase "African American" is NOT RACIST just like the phrases "Italian American" "chinese American" "Indian American" ARE NOT RACIST.pls about 5 hours ago via web
Lecinqblog says this
People learn vocabulary by hearing.So,it just surprised me that people from kenya R using words like"MAMI"(mexican), "Ass-whooping(brooklyn) about 5 hours ago via web
Lecinqblog says this
Then i figured that Kenyans are learning this new vocabulary from their African American counterparts via twitter.CULTURAL INTERMINGLING about 5 hours ago via web
Lecinqblog says this
@SAFARI_BLACK I am sorry sir If I offended you in any way , but it was only an observation on LINGUISTIC EVOLUTION,not meant in a racist way about 5 hours ago via web
Lecinqblog says this
American History:Slavery-african orgin peeps R forced into slavery in America>Abolition of slavery>DELIBERATE cultural segregation in ghetto about 5 hours ago via web
Lecinqblog says this
American History:Many mexicans Illegally immigrate in2 America>Due 2 illegal status they fail 2 get well paying jobs>end up living in ghetto about 5 hours ago via web
Lecinqblog says this
American History:There were very INHUMAN,CRUEL laws back in early 1930s against CHINESE workers>resulting in them living in ghettos about 5 hours ago via web
Lecinqblog says this
AMERICAN HISTORY:By 1950s cultural and economic segregation of non whites in ghettos led to a rich new culture,language developing there about 5 hours ago via web
Lecinqblog says this
American History:Linguistics:coz Italians,African Americans,chinese Americans and Mexican Americans lived together in ghetto=new vocabulary about 5 hours ago via web
Lecinqblog says this
@SAFARI_BLACK CLASSIC(old world PRE racial integration in America)AFRICAN(Ethnicity) AMERICAN(nationality)Ghetto(low socio economic group) about 5 hours ago via web
Lecinqblog says this
CLARIFICATION:I was only talking about the new words that have been added to the english language due to cultural intermingling in ghetto. about 5 hours ago via web
Lecinqblog says this
CLARIFICATION: Examples of Ghetto english: "Ass whooping" where "whooping" being a distortion of the word "whipping", 'AKS" which is "ASK" about 5 hours ago via web
Lecinqblog says this
If any of you are here because @SAFARI_BLACK RT ed my tweet>CLARIFICATION:I am not racist,I am not a white chick,read explanation below!! about 4 hours ago via web
I just read this whole conversation AGAIN and I realize HOW over-SENSITIVE AND RACIST some people came be when it comes to A tweet comment which THEY PRESUME IS targeted at their community .And by "community" apparently TO SUCH PEOPLE, only people with a particular skin tone GET TO BE INCLUDED IN THEIR COMMUNITY..
Since , they assumed I WAS white, according to them I NOW don't belong in their community?ISN'T THAT RACISM?
So, by focusing and INCLUDING only certain people into their community (the criteria being the skin tone) ARE THEY NOT EQUALLY RACIST ?
Also, I went and read that TEDIOUS back and forth conversation to see if I erred somewhere.I am glad I didn't..My arguments here:
First off, the originally tweet was QUICKLY retweeted by this person AS PART OF A KNEE JERK REACTION and with an intent to INCITE the ATTACKING MOBS ON ME?
SEcondly, the repeat RE-TWEETS by this lady are worse. She actually states about me saying "this white chick needs help" and then when I actually try to engage her in a conversation, she fails to take responsibility for what she wrote/RTed and RUNS away from the conversation.Dear lady, you STARTED it by talking unnecessary things about me and I don't take shit.
Thirdly, the fact that both that man and that woman, automatically constantly REFERRED to me as WHITE, tells me that all they themselves focus in a person is skin tone..WHICH MAKES THEM VERY SHALLOW AND RACIST THEMSELVES.
Fourthly, they had no way to know my skin tone and they ASSUMED what my skin color is and also in the process of their ASSUMPTIONS, they also AUTOMATICALLY STEREOTYPED ALL "WHITE CHICK"BEHAVIOR,..which is UTTER RACISM and ignorance in general.
Fifthly,somehow, they think that they own the COPYRIGHT for the usage of words like ghetto or whichever other word they were offended that I USED...Who gave them THE SOLE RIGHT for USE OF WORDS IN A LANGUAGE? does that not make them BULLIES?
I stated, "I live in the ghetto and It is MY LANGUAGE TOO"
I never said, "I live in the ghetto too" and
funnily, in their HURRIED ANGER, they ASSUME AGAIN, that I said " i live in the ghetto too"
Further, they AUTOMATICALLY INTERPRET it as that I seem to imply that they live in the ghetto...
SERIOUSLY....WHY SUCH hurried anger?
Why SO over sensitive about a NEUTRAL STATEMENT?
None of the words used in that tweet are RACIST OR INSULTING OR EXPLETIVES..
Unless ofcourse, they assume that the very mention of ghetto is insulting, in which case, what are they ACTUALLY being sensitive about?the fact that they don't have enough spending money?I FAIL TO being economically deprived such a bad thing that the mention of that truth qualifies as an expletive?
SEVENTHLY,that man STEREOTYPED jew behavior and chinaman behavior...seriously...who gives any community to monopolize any activity? THAT IS RACISM IN ITSELF.He actually seems to imply that all men from china just grow wheatgrass well...WTF? seriously
So ,EACH TIME YOU POINT A FINGER AT ME, FOUR OTHER FINGERS ARE POINTING AT YOURSELF...look at yourself first and correct your misconceptions before you give knee jerk reactions to others.
I love linguistics and I love studying language evolution..
Ever since i joined Twitter, I have been majorly slacking in the BLOGGING department.
But just a while ago,
A tweet that I posted triggered off a major argument amongst a group of fellow tweeters who mistook my Intent behind that tweet as RACISM.
Hence I just want to take the opportunity on this blog to CLARIFY my stand.
I DIDN'T MEAN TO BE RACIST . It is funny how a person's OWN mindset and thought process allows them to come to INACCURATE conclusions about me.
The meaning essentially behind that tweet was more about
LINGUISTICS-The science of language and sociology AND not as much as some ILL INFORMED racist comment.
We all learn a language by hearing it.yeah?We hear our parents speak and then we learn .We listen to people around us speaking with a certain accent or vocabulary , we pick the accent and vocabulary as well.
So basically, In order to be able to pick up a particular vocabulary or accent of english, You need to be exposed to native speakers of that DIALECT
Speaking of dialect, You need to understand that , Spanish though spoken in Mexico and Spain, is quite differently spoken in each of these countries.Similarly prior to RACIAL INTEGRATION IN AMERICA, BUT DURING THE PERIOD WHEN SLAVERY WAS ALREADY ABOLISHED most FORMER AFRICAN AMERICAN SLAVES got culturally marginalized into living in poor neighborhoods called ghettos.Many other foreign immigrants were also similarly DISCRIMINATED AGAINST during that time and were paid very very less and thus other Ethnic NON-WHITE communities also ended up living in the ghettos alongside the African Americans.
Soon, what developed was a new vocubulary of English that was quite different from what the Then White people spoke..
After all, ENGLISH is a European language..yeah?
Anyone who first learned it , especially if from other non english speaking communities did so as a SECOND LANGUAGE..and so, they spoke in an accent much akin to the sounds of their native language.
So, coming back to cultural maginalization of non white ethnic groups to ghettos for decades led to a newer vocabulary with newer words...adapted from each of their own ethnic languages...but this Ghetto english was only limited to America.
Now in today's america==with Hip-hop lyrics being so popular and the whole African American culture which developed during older times becoming COOL..More and more people are more familiar with those terms which at one point of time were not known outside of the ghettos..
So,yeah.that is all I meant..when i wrote that tweet.
..How and where does this difference arise from?
It arises from the local culture, the financial situation etc..
The tweet was also a musing about how PEOPLE IN KENYA AND NIGERIA..who are my twitter friends , have managed to learn this language.
Surely, Kenya is geographically very very far away from say Newyork or Chicago yeah? Where words like "Ass whooping" "Mami" are not supposed to be part of normal kenyan everyday english.
That is when it occurred to me that TWITTER was acting as THE MEDIUM FOR CULTURAL INTERMINGLING.
I also have to clarify here that I didn't mean that tweet in Any given racist way at all..I am far from racist...
coming back to the Twitter story,,As soon as i Posted that Tweet, One of my very good friends
@SAFARI_BLACK totally took offence to that tweet and RTed ...he seemed very angry.
Some other person then read that RT and automatically assumed that I am this "white chick" and then RTed it too, adding a caustic preface to the RT..
What was sad was that both safari and this other lady automatically first assumed that I am not black and they also assumed I am this rich white chick and somehow because I am this rich white chick I have no right to talk about Ghetto English..boy!!!
I CLEARLY APOLOGIZE , first off , if that tweet either came across as ILL-INFORMED, or RACIST in any way,.I DIDN'T MEAN IT IN THAT WAY AT ALL.
I also took the time to clarify it with SAFARI and others on twitter..
MY FIRST TWEET that caused trouble
I have a question,How come everyone on twitter,irrespective of country of origin, is speaking in CLASSIC AFRICAN AMERICAN GHETTO VOCABULARY? about 7 hours ago via web
SAFARI_BLACK says to me
@Lecinqblog -Excuse me lady What exactly is "Classic AFRICAN AMERICAN Ghetto Vocabulary" ?? that statement makes u sound like Bill O'reilly about 7 hours ago via web in reply to Lecinqblog
SAFARI_BLACK says to me
WtF ? "Classic African American Ghetto Vocabulary??" Gtfo My timeline with that Racist Ass Colonial white sheet KKK talk about 7 hours ago via web
SAFARI_BLACK says as in he RTs me with a p.s.
I hve a question,How come everyone on twitter,irrespective of country of origin, is spkng in CLASSIC AFRICAN AMERICAN GHETTO VOCAB? <- WTF about 7 hours ago via web
Rt- @Lecinqblog I hve a ?How come everyone on twitter,irrespective of country of origin, is spkng in CLASSIC AFRICAN AMERICAN GHETTO VOCAB? about 7 hours ago via web
Lecinqblog says this
@SAFARI_BLACK it is not racist at all. In the ghettos, African americans often ending up living with mexicans and other ethnic groups. about 7 hours ago via web in reply to SAFARI_BLACK
Lecinqblog says this
@SAFARI_BLACK this accidental cultural intermingling that occured due to similar econcomic background led to a new breed of english language about 7 hours ago via web in reply to SAFARI_BLACK
SAFARI_BLACK says this
@Lecinqblog - African American Is not a race its a Label created by Europeans There is NO country called AFRICA AMERICA about 7 hours ago via web in reply to Lecinqblog
SAFARI_BLACK says this
@Lecinqblog - There is no such thing as a "new Breed" Of language . We are not from Europe about 7 hours ago via web in reply to Lecinqblog
IamRah says this
Please read what this white chick tweeted RT @SAFARI_BLACK: Rt- @Lecinqblog I hve a ?How come everyone on (cont) about 7 hours ago via UberTwitter
SAFARI_BLACK says this
@Lecinqblog - you do not define what Our language is , and thats completely whats wrong with america , Colonialist attemptiong to define about 7 hours ago via web in reply to Lecinqblog
SAFARI_BLACK says this
@Lecinqblog - cont. Attempting to define Our culture... i have no desire to claim any parts of Europe MRs. about 7 hours ago via web in reply to Lecinqblog
SAFARI_BLACK says this
@Lecinqblog - i dont tell Jews how to rock Yamukahs , I dont tell the Chinaman how to harvest wheatgrass .. stay out that lane please about 6 hours ago via web in reply to Lecinqblog
Lecinqblog says this
@IamRah it is funny how U automatically assume I am a "white" "chick".That tweet was more about LANGUAGE EVOLUTION and not meant 2 B racist about 5 hours ago via web in reply to IamRah
Lecinqblog says this
@SAFARI_BLACK what is 'YOUR'language.I think you are being more racist when U ASSUME that i am a european viking sister.I live in the ghetto about 5 hours ago via web in reply to SAFARI_BLACK
Lecinqblog says this
@SAFARI_BLACK I live in the ghetto sir and I am NOT A EUROPEAN WHITE CHICK.I was only talking about LINGUISITICS. about 5 hours ago via web in reply to SAFARI_BLACK
Lecinqblog says this
@SAFARI_BLACK You seem to be more racist.You are stereotyping jew behavior, stererotyping chinaman behavior.Look at yourself.geezus about 5 hours ago via web in reply to SAFARI_BLACK
Lecinqblog says this
@SAFARI_BLACK I live in the Ghetto and it is MY CULTURE too as much as it is your culture.So, you don't STAKE SOLE RIGHTS on the ghetto now about 5 hours ago via web in reply to SAFARI_BLACK
Lecinqblog says this
@IamRah I have to clarify that i was making an observation about LINGUISTICS.It was meant to be racist in any given way. about 5 hours ago via web in reply to IamRah
Lecinqblog says this
CLARIFICATION:CLASSIC(post slavery but before cultural integration in schools) AFRICAN(=Ethnic origin)AMERICAN(nationality) GHETTO(economic) about 5 hours ago via web
Lecinqblog says this
The phrase "African American" is NOT RACIST just like the phrases "Italian American" "chinese American" "Indian American" ARE NOT RACIST.pls about 5 hours ago via web
Lecinqblog says this
People learn vocabulary by hearing.So,it just surprised me that people from kenya R using words like"MAMI"(mexican), "Ass-whooping(brooklyn) about 5 hours ago via web
Lecinqblog says this
Then i figured that Kenyans are learning this new vocabulary from their African American counterparts via twitter.CULTURAL INTERMINGLING about 5 hours ago via web
Lecinqblog says this
@SAFARI_BLACK I am sorry sir If I offended you in any way , but it was only an observation on LINGUISTIC EVOLUTION,not meant in a racist way about 5 hours ago via web in reply to SAFARI_BLACK
Lecinqblog says this
American History:Slavery-african orgin peeps R forced into slavery in America>Abolition of slavery>DELIBERATE cultural segregation in ghetto about 5 hours ago via web
Lecinqblog says this
American History:Many mexicans Illegally immigrate in2 America>Due 2 illegal status they fail 2 get well paying jobs>end up living in ghetto about 5 hours ago via web
Lecinqblog says this
American History:There were very INHUMAN,CRUEL laws back in early 1930s against CHINESE workers>resulting in them living in ghettos about 5 hours ago via web
Lecinqblog says this
AMERICAN HISTORY:By 1950s cultural and economic segregation of non whites in ghettos led to a rich new culture,language developing there about 5 hours ago via web
Lecinqblog says this
American History:Linguistics:coz Italians,African Americans,chinese Americans and Mexican Americans lived together in ghetto=new vocabulary about 5 hours ago via web
Lecinqblog says this
@SAFARI_BLACK CLASSIC(old world PRE racial integration in America)AFRICAN(Ethnicity) AMERICAN(nationality)Ghetto(low socio economic group) about 5 hours ago via web in reply to SAFARI_BLACK
Lecinqblog says this
CLARIFICATION:I was only talking about the new words that have been added to the english language due to cultural intermingling in ghetto. about 5 hours ago via web
Lecinqblog says this
CLARIFICATION: Examples of Ghetto english: "Ass whooping" where "whooping" being a distortion of the word "whipping", 'AKS" which is "ASK" about 5 hours ago via web
IamRah says this
@Lecinqblog No what is funny is tht u r addressing me instd of the Brother who called u out. U think I'm less threatening? And IDC what u r. about 5 hours ago via UberTwitter in reply to Lecinqblog
IamRah says this
@Lecinqblog Do not tweet me directly. U r not worthy... about 5 hours ago via UberTwitter in reply to Lecinqblog
Lecinqblog says this
@IamRah is coz you RTed what he RTed and called me "white" "chick" .Just had to clarify that I am not white and I am NOT RACIST. about 5 hours ago via web in reply to IamRah
IamRah says this
@Lecinqblog @SAFARI_BLACK Did she say she lives in the ghetto so it's her culture too? Who says we're from the ghetto?? Stop tweeting chick. about 5 hours ago via UberTwitter in reply to Lecinqblog
IamRah says this
This chick needs help... RT @Lecinqblog: @SAFARI_BLACK I live in the Ghetto and it is MY CULTURE too as much as (cont) about 5 hours ago via UberTwitter
SAFARI_BLACK says this
@Lecinqblog - Fyi , neither of those terms are racist . about 5 hours ago via web
Lecinqblog says this
@SAFARI_BLACK what is 'YOUR'language.I think you are being more racist when U ASSUME that i am a european viking sister.I live in the ghetto about 5 hours ago via web
SAFARI_BLACK says this
@Lecinqblog - And the reason i know your a white supremecist is that if you were not when it was noted that u had offended u wld have stepd about 5 hours ago via web
Lecinqblog says this
@SAFARI_BLACK That tweet was basically about LANGAUGE EVOLUTION that happens in communities where cultural mingling is maximum about 5 hours ago via web in reply to SAFARI_BLACK
Lecinqblog says this
@SAFARI_BLACK I didn't mean to be racist in any give me..if it came across that way, my apologies about 5 hours ago via web in reply to SAFARI_BLACK
SAFARI_BLACK says this
@Lecinqblog - U wld have stepped bck and reviewed and appologized . My statement was that i dont define the culture of other ppl about 5 hours ago via web
Lecinqblog says this
@SAFARI_BLACK sir.I have 2 clarify that I actually live in the ghetto and I am not WHITE.That tweet was abt LINGUISTICS.don't misunderstand! about 5 hours ago via web in reply to SAFARI_BLACK
Lecinqblog says this
@SAFARI_BLACK I apologized and clarified way back but by then you had already blocked me and gone off. about 5 hours ago via web in reply to SAFARI_BLACK
Lecinqblog says this
@SAFARI_BLACK I live in the ghetto sir and I am NOT A EUROPEAN WHITE CHICK.I was only talking about LINGUISTICS. about 5 hours ago via web
Lecinqblog says this
@SAFARI_BLACK You seem to be more racist.You are stereotyping jew behavior, stereotyping chinaman behavior.Look at yourself.geezus about 5 hours ago via web
Lecinqblog says this
@SAFARI_BLACK I live in the Ghetto and it is MY CULTURE too as much as it is your culture.So, you don't STAKE SOLE RIGHTS on the ghetto now about 5 hours ago via web
Lecinqblog says this
CLARIFICATION:CLASSIC(post slavery but before cultural integration in schools) AFRICAN(=Ethnic origin)AMERICAN(nationality) GHETTO(economic) about 5 hours ago via web
Lecinqblog says this
The phrase "African American" is NOT RACIST just like the phrases "Italian American" "chinese American" "Indian American" ARE NOT RACIST.pls about 5 hours ago via web
Lecinqblog says this
People learn vocabulary by hearing.So,it just surprised me that people from kenya R using words like"MAMI"(mexican), "Ass-whooping(brooklyn) about 5 hours ago via web
Lecinqblog says this
Then i figured that Kenyans are learning this new vocabulary from their African American counterparts via twitter.CULTURAL INTERMINGLING about 5 hours ago via web
Lecinqblog says this
@SAFARI_BLACK I am sorry sir If I offended you in any way , but it was only an observation on LINGUISTIC EVOLUTION,not meant in a racist way about 5 hours ago via web
Lecinqblog says this
American History:Slavery-african orgin peeps R forced into slavery in America>Abolition of slavery>DELIBERATE cultural segregation in ghetto about 5 hours ago via web
Lecinqblog says this
American History:Many mexicans Illegally immigrate in2 America>Due 2 illegal status they fail 2 get well paying jobs>end up living in ghetto about 5 hours ago via web
Lecinqblog says this
American History:There were very INHUMAN,CRUEL laws back in early 1930s against CHINESE workers>resulting in them living in ghettos about 5 hours ago via web
Lecinqblog says this
AMERICAN HISTORY:By 1950s cultural and economic segregation of non whites in ghettos led to a rich new culture,language developing there about 5 hours ago via web
Lecinqblog says this
American History:Linguistics:coz Italians,African Americans,chinese Americans and Mexican Americans lived together in ghetto=new vocabulary about 5 hours ago via web
Lecinqblog says this
@SAFARI_BLACK CLASSIC(old world PRE racial integration in America)AFRICAN(Ethnicity) AMERICAN(nationality)Ghetto(low socio economic group) about 5 hours ago via web
Lecinqblog says this
CLARIFICATION:I was only talking about the new words that have been added to the english language due to cultural intermingling in ghetto. about 5 hours ago via web
Lecinqblog says this
CLARIFICATION: Examples of Ghetto english: "Ass whooping" where "whooping" being a distortion of the word "whipping", 'AKS" which is "ASK" about 5 hours ago via web
Lecinqblog says this
If any of you are here because @SAFARI_BLACK RT ed my tweet>CLARIFICATION:I am not racist,I am not a white chick,read explanation below!! about 4 hours ago via web
I just read this whole conversation AGAIN and I realize HOW over-SENSITIVE AND RACIST some people came be when it comes to A tweet comment which THEY PRESUME IS targeted at their community .And by "community" apparently TO SUCH PEOPLE, only people with a particular skin tone GET TO BE INCLUDED IN THEIR COMMUNITY..
Since , they assumed I WAS white, according to them I NOW don't belong in their community?ISN'T THAT RACISM?
So, by focusing and INCLUDING only certain people into their community (the criteria being the skin tone) ARE THEY NOT EQUALLY RACIST ?
Also, I went and read that TEDIOUS back and forth conversation to see if I erred somewhere.I am glad I didn't..My arguments here:
First off, the originally tweet was QUICKLY retweeted by this person AS PART OF A KNEE JERK REACTION and with an intent to INCITE the ATTACKING MOBS ON ME?
SEcondly, the repeat RE-TWEETS by this lady are worse. She actually states about me saying "this white chick needs help" and then when I actually try to engage her in a conversation, she fails to take responsibility for what she wrote/RTed and RUNS away from the conversation.Dear lady, you STARTED it by talking unnecessary things about me and I don't take shit.
Thirdly, the fact that both that man and that woman, automatically constantly REFERRED to me as WHITE, tells me that all they themselves focus in a person is skin tone..WHICH MAKES THEM VERY SHALLOW AND RACIST THEMSELVES.
Fourthly, they had no way to know my skin tone and they ASSUMED what my skin color is and also in the process of their ASSUMPTIONS, they also AUTOMATICALLY STEREOTYPED ALL "WHITE CHICK"BEHAVIOR,..which is UTTER RACISM and ignorance in general.
Fifthly,somehow, they think that they own the COPYRIGHT for the usage of words like ghetto or whichever other word they were offended that I USED...Who gave them THE SOLE RIGHT for USE OF WORDS IN A LANGUAGE? does that not make them BULLIES?
I stated, "I live in the ghetto and It is MY LANGUAGE TOO"
I never said, "I live in the ghetto too" and
funnily, in their HURRIED ANGER, they ASSUME AGAIN, that I said " i live in the ghetto too"
Further, they AUTOMATICALLY INTERPRET it as that I seem to imply that they live in the ghetto...
SERIOUSLY....WHY SUCH hurried anger?
Why SO over sensitive about a NEUTRAL STATEMENT?
None of the words used in that tweet are RACIST OR INSULTING OR EXPLETIVES..
Unless ofcourse, they assume that the very mention of ghetto is insulting, in which case, what are they ACTUALLY being sensitive about?the fact that they don't have enough spending money?I FAIL TO being economically deprived such a bad thing that the mention of that truth qualifies as an expletive?
SEVENTHLY,that man STEREOTYPED jew behavior and chinaman behavior...seriously...who gives any community to monopolize any activity? THAT IS RACISM IN ITSELF.He actually seems to imply that all men from china just grow wheatgrass well...WTF? seriously
So ,EACH TIME YOU POINT A FINGER AT ME, FOUR OTHER FINGERS ARE POINTING AT YOURSELF...look at yourself first and correct your misconceptions before you give knee jerk reactions to others.
I love linguistics and I love studying language evolution..
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