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Thursday, December 27, 2012

DADS,vegas,19yrs olds,human trafficking-October 2010-EMAILING MR.U AFTER TWO YEARS.-LETTERS TO MR.U

DADS,vegas,19yrs olds,human trafficking-October 2010-EMAILING MR.U AFTER TWO YEARS.-LETTERS TO MR.U


please note: that publishing someone else's emails,letters,journals,personal pics,videos WITHOUT THEIR PRIOR WRITTEN PERMISSION is a LEGAL OFFENCE...( even if just on blogs or even if it is just redistribution to third parties via email, facebook and other such social media), (even if the aforementioned materials were shared with you by the writer or actual owner themselves).Please take WRITTEN PERMISSION from all parties involved prior to publishing such content.

Please also note that here in these blogs I am only posting EXCERPTS from MY OWN EMAILS to someone else WHOSE IDENTITY remains HIDDEN .No actual personally identifiable information about this other person has been revealed by me in these blogs all in an attempt to protect their privacy and mine as well.





how are you?

I celebrated my birthday in xxxxxxxx.Figured i must email you on that day just like i did in 2007..but ofcourse, too many things have transpired since 2007...our paths digress further and further ,so I DIDN'T.

what is with you going and fornicating with xxxxxx in vegas and participating in the horror of what is called COMMODIFICATION OF HUMAN BODIES ESPECiALLY the BODIES OF WOMEN??

paying to fornicate is like implying that someone's body is for rent

and THE NOTION " that coz you have money and COZ they need money" somehow makes it okay FOR you to use their body for a bit??

WHICH IS WHY,the fact that you went and did some orgy stuff in vegas, I am totally pissed off

it is not about MORALITY. It is about the fact that you forget the horror of human trafficking just coz you need to get off. hnmmmmm..sigh

More than that,,what is with this getting obsessed over 19 year olds? huh? hmmm

I COMPLETELY DISAPPROVE..Don't become your father(sorry , just had to say IT this way)

Generation gap does exist...coz age and a decade teaches you things and changes you as a yeah.. 19 and 30 don't go well,,

just like my 31 and his 41 never will work EITHER...but hey..whatever.



MY 2012 POSTNOTE for the blog!!!

As you can note, if you are reading all the blog entries under the 'MR.U" SERIES, the last email I wrote to him was in october 2008 and then for two years, i DIDN'T TALK TO HIM...Then in october 2010,I felt COMPELLED to write one angry, disapproving letter because HE WAS GETTING SO OUT OF CONTROL.

At thAT point, he had just finished sleeping with prostitutes in vegas and also dating this VERY YOUNG GIRL...

you know what his response to my disapproval about dating this very young girl was? HE SAYS " relax she is of age"

dude, the point here is not if she is LEGAL TO fuck or not, the point is THE EMOTIONAL RAMINFICATIONS OF A VERY INFLUENTIAL VERY OLDER MAN SLEEPING with a very IMPRESSIONABLE YOUNG GIRL who is just still growing up emotionally yet..

She might be 19, she might be of age,she is NOT JAIL BAIT..yet..given that you were 33 , no matter how impressed you were with this little girl, you should have still NEVER ATTEMPTED TO sexualize the whole interaction.

I KNOW HOW UPSETTING in general and more so emotionally upsetting it is for a YOUNG GIRL to recieve SEXUAL ATTENTION from much older men who are supposed TO MENTOR HER rather than immediately somehow benefit SEXUALLY from her adulation for them.

Sadly, in AMERICA, OLDER MEN, somehow just can't KEEP thier hands off YOUNGER WOMEN, whom they LIKE VERY MUCH...

There needs to be some boundary..where young women CAN FEEL SAFE AND protected in the company of OLDER MEN, who are in a position of experience and power..Such older people MUST ONLY MENTOR younger people whom they find impressive.

i always USED to think mr.U , WAS EMOTIONALLY MATURE AND AWARE enough to BE ABLE TO LOOK AT YOUNG WOMEN as children who need to be mentored and NOT ATTEMPT TO take THEM to bed coz they are so enamored by him.


If you go and read my VERY LOOOOOOOOONG BLOG entry about MR.U,,explaining the WHOLE 9 YEARS Of my interaction with him, I explain this one TURNING POINT, where i knew THAT , IT IS OVER..

this is that point...This thing he did to that YOUNG girl.

I THOUGHT HE HAD BETTER SENSE THAN SLEEPING WITH SUCH A YOUNG GIRL..but ofcourse, he didn't.As the older person in any interaction, it is the job of the older person , to CONTROL sexual urges and do what is EMOTIONALLY JUST...

Now, when that young girl, often looks back at that time, she feels like , he messed up with her AND I AGREE WITH HER...and now, MR.U, gets angry at her , for vocalizing her feelings and at me coz i take her side.

Dude, what the were a fucking 33 years old and you had NO GRIP over your went and fucked an impressionable young 19 year old...and

you didn't back then and even till today,THINK, that it was an act of ABUSE OF POWER,


YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO MENTOR her and protect her and teach her things..Instead,you were like, "hey, now that you are so enamored by me and because i am fucked up in my head, why don't i take you to bed" geezus..what the hell.

Anyways,this incident caused me to break my TWO year silence with him and I actually EMAILED HIM...I just had to give him my two cents..

do you know why it is called INCEST when parents try to sexualize their relationships with their children?because, being a parent is a position of trust and when a child is MADE TO GIVE RETURNS in the form of sexual satisfaction, THE RELATIONSHIP becomes very CONDITIONAL..

parenting is supposed to be an UNCONDITIONAL ENDEAVOR OF GIVING...parents are not supposed to EXPECT anything in return for NURTURING a child, that THEY CREATED..

A similar DYNAMIC needs to exist between older folks and the younger generation.THE OLDER PERSON is LIKE A matter, how much the child is enamored by you, YOU MUST NOT ABUSE THAT POSITION OF TRUST.

sexual interaction RUINS that UNCONDITIONAL NURTURING CONCEPT..forever .

children don't know any better..IT IS YOUR JOB AS THE ADULT IN THE RELATIONSHIP to set boundaries and teach them the concept of dependability.

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