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Saturday, October 12, 2013


This Blog article is creative property of Dr.A.R aka LecinQblog.This blog article originally was written for and is meant to appear on any one of the blogs in this list .If you find this blog article anywhere other than on BLOGSPOT,please visit my original blog,find my email address and email me with details of where else you read this blog entry.All my blogs are AD-free blogs AND I completely frown upon someone else trying to make money off my blogs without my prior written permission.



I meant to write this blog article maybe a couple of months ago...and given that blogs that were meant to be written way back in nov 2005 are still pending(yes,I WAS BLOGGING EVEN THEN and even much before that!),This minor delay in writing this blog is just

A couple of months ago,MR.T posted something online,which if you examine carefully was done by him in a spirit of PLAYFULNESS .He was attempting to be funny.

Sometimes the strange deep truths of our souls suddenly get exposed when they are trying to be funny.

He made a joke,which if you look carefully,exposes his own racist undertones...and...the fact that he didn't even realize prior to making such a joke that it could possibly be construed as being racist,tells how NORMAL he consider such a joke to be !

For me getting turned on by someone ,HAS A STRONG ILLOGICAL EMOTIONAL FACTOR TO IT.AGain,so many underlying factors to why i find whom sexy too!maybe another blog entry for that,k?


But then once he made that joke..I WAS LIKE, 'what?"

Anyways,I pointed it out to him,many many days later,as to how thoughtless his joke was...

NOT SURE,if he took my criticism TOO MUCH to his heart or what.

Either ways..Ever since that joke incident happened...I DON'T FIND HIM SEXY ANYMORE.

Yes,the man about whom I WROTE THE LONGEST POEM IN MY BLOG HISTORY...LOL,that man,MR.T,I didn't find sexy anymore.:(((


says something stupid and boom,IN ONE GO,his smouldering sexuality flies out the window..and suddenly,I start looking at him like what he really is.

He is married

.(usually the moment i know someone is married,I automatically get turned off-but anyways)

He is too old

(again,once someone is not in my age group 3 yrs give or take,THEY AUTOMATICALLY create a mental block-but off late, so many older men catching my interest.:(( I blame for doing this to my mindset-he kinda eliminated that mindblock and now I am jail broken!

He has the responsibility of three kids

and a financially dependant wife! (Again,way back in 2008,i wrote a blog entry about what kind of a man i would date or marry, and mr.t IS LIKE a sure ANTI-THESIS to those list of things i want in a man.Not sure which blog i wrote this blog entry on-just scroll up to the top of the page and there are links to all five or six blogs I write and you can scour the archives for that older blog read, I insist)

He is a high school drop-out. (

I am of the opinion that all of us must have the determination to complete SOME BASIC EDUCATION -like a GRAD DEGREE..Doing a post grad and phd is totally a further decision..but please please GO TO COLLEGE-IT IS A RITE OF PASSAGE)

He is not a SUPER-genius at his trade either.

His expertise comes from having done the same thing for years and years...When people get good at things they did for years and decades,that is NOT is DEDICATION AND HARDWORK and practice.(which are good things,btw)

Now ,after he said that "something stupid",suddenly,all I COULD SEE HIM is as this old man,who dropped out of school,picked up whatever job he could,WORKED HARD and gained material success and fame but still his job is not some SUPER GENIUS INTELLECTUAL JOB OR SOME SUCH...he has a wife, kids,and well, NOT MY TYPE!

FUNNY,how some sudden incident BREAKS UP THE MIRAGE we were floating in comfortably for so long...I AM GLAD THAT MIRAGE GOT BROKEN,coz now,I FEEL FREE( I don't have committment phobia or anything..but committing to the wrong things is detrimental to self-growth and suffocating)

Anyways,there are still some warm feelings of goodwill left..


I STILL SEE HIM AS A KIND MAN AND A NICE PERSON and a chirpy quirky funny personality.. and his face maybe old but still cute nevertheless..and the reason why I NAMED HIM MR.T is coz he has an amazingly bronze naturally tan complexion--and i like that very much...and he still has that complexion the name stays good

aND SINCE he is still a NICE PERSON in my books.I WILL ALWAYS WISH HIM WELL... and want him to do good...Best wishes? AND HUGS TOO...( I am such a hugs person)

but as of now, THE LOVE BOAT HAS SAILED and I am still one the shore! yay!

Tags: mr_t, love_lost, love, happiness, kindness,simplicity,sweet_guy,old_man,hugs_and_goodbye,

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