Please hover over the topic of your choice, then click to go to that topic on this blog

ADD ARCHIVE American_history An_antidote_to_anger Anaclitic_depression Antidote_to_anger Barbie Beach_etiquette Birth_control Bullshite Child_abuse DNA Gender_appropriate_toys Gossip Gossip_magazine Humor_and_anger Ignoring_anger Imitation Insecurity Journalism Linguistics Love Munchausen's_syndrome_by_proxy PMS Panic_attack_management Pity_and_anger Pre_menstrual_syndrome Racism Russian_judiciary_system Russian_mafia Russian_sexual_harrassment_case Search query answers Seclusion_for_healing Sexual_harrassment Sexual_harrassment_laws Thyroid_and_anger Trash_journalism Twitter Why do men leave you after having a baby ? Withdrawing yourself from distressing people and situations reduces anger development Women_atheletes amsterdam amsterdam_red_light_district anger anger_chain anger_management art art_gallery basic_instincts behavious_analysis blog blog_description botox celebrity_craze chemical_breakfast children circle_of_love creepy_men dad denial diarrhoea dirty_politics disassociation doc dogs drama dysfunctional_relationships ego_and_anger ego_defence evolution family fear_management feed_burners gender_bias greedy_lying_salesmen grocery_store_jackass habits happy_blog hardwork harrassment home how_to_repair_ripped_apart_paperback idleness ignorant_bliss immature_coping_mechanism incompatible_relationships internet_stealing jason_mraz jealously jealousy kids lazy_ass_parents letcher life majority manners media mediocres mental_health money_sharks mother motivation my_comments nasty_talkers nervous_calming olympics parenting patch pedophilia peggy pets pets_tricks plagiarism post_slavery_ghetto_segregation_of_blacks pregnancy procrastination prostitution psyche psychiatry psychology pyschology relationships religion self_respect senseless_human_vanity sexual_abusers sexual_frustration sketches_gallery sketching slaves_of_habit sociology stand_up_comedy stupid_people subscribers swimming_pool_behaviour thieves toilet_training_your_dog torrent trash trophy_boyfriend trophy_girlfriend understanding_and_anger url validation venting victim woman_doc women women's issues writers youthfulness

Monday, November 18, 2013


Here is a list of my top TEN most visited blogs on my antidote to anger blog.
There are many more blogs entries which are widely visited as well,but I am just keeping the list short and mentioning the top ten entries.
These are stats relevant to only the past year!
I write about #pschiatry, #psychology and #psychosociology in my antidote to anger blog.
here goes
  1. About nasty people and gossip mongers,being incapa... Dec 27, 2012
  2. First hit the baby, then pacify it? Mar 18, 2009
  3. Procrastination and Family drama,genetics and the ... Apr 28, 2009
  4. each time I hit the UNFOLLOW BUTTON Nov 25, 2009
  5. The Evolution of a sketch-A man , A woman and A pa... Jun 20, 2010,
  6. The 2009 Round up blog in piece meal-Does 'Not jud... Mar 5, 2010
  7. Why do men leave you after having a baby ? Mar 30, 2009
  8. Say it out aloud to let go off the anger Feb 16, 2009

Saturday, November 16, 2013

A whopping sixty THOUSAND and eight hundred odd people have google PLUSEd my poetry and poise blog in two days!how?

In the past two days something CURIOUS has happened.
A whopping SIXTY thousand eight hundred and forty eight people have
google plused my
GOOGLE kept asking me to join google plus and I have NOT joined so far.
so,I really wonder how my blogs are actually visible on the google
plus network enabling people to GOOGLE PLUS them!
Is my poetry and poise blog being featured on google plus?
What is happening?
baffled,surprised and honored all at the same time.
thanks to all google plus members who have read,liked and google
plused various blog entries of mine!
I do write six different blogs,and you can read all of them here
I also tweet here
You can always say hi to me on twitter or email me even.
hugs and cheers to all readers.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Robin norwood's quote about DYSFUNCTIONAL FAMILIES ,THEIR DEFINITION AND HOW and WHY THEY FAIL-quote and discussion

This Blog article(EXCEPT EXCERPTS OR QUOTES) is creative property of Dr.A.R aka LecinQblog.This blog article originally was written for and is meant to appear on any one of the blogs in this list .If you find this blog article anywhere other than on BLOGSPOT,please visit my original blog,find my email address and email me with details of where else you read this blog entry.All my blogs are AD-free blogs AND I completely frown upon someone else trying to make money off my blogs without my prior written permission.




What all unhealthy families have in common is their inability to discuss root problems.There may be other problems that are discussed,often ad nauseum ,but these often cover up the underlying secrets that make the family dysfunctional.

A DYSFUNCTIONAL FAMILY is one in which members play rigid roles and in which communication is severely restricted to statements that fit these roles.

Members ARE NOT FREE to express a full range of experiences,wants,needs and feelings,but rather must limit themselves to playing that part which accomodates those played by other family members.

Roles operate in all families,BUT,as circumstances change,the members must also change and adapt in order for the family to continue to remain healthy. The kind of mothering or fathering for a one year old is highly INAPPROPRIATE for a thirteen year old and the parenting role MUST ALTER TO ACCOMODATE REALITY.

In dysfunctional families,major aspects of reality are denied,and roles remain rigid.

When no one can discuss that affects every family member individually as well as the family as a whole-indeed,when such discussion is forbidden IMPLICITLY (the subject is changed) or EXPLICITLY ( we don't talk about those things) -we learn not to believe in our own perceptions or feelings.

Because our family denies our reality,we begin to deny it too.





I keep mentioning the word "dysfunctional" in many of my tweets..repeatedly..

what is dys-functional?

something that is NOT -FUNCTIONING.


A family unit is supposed to be a CLOSE-KNIT group of individuals often biologically or sexually related or involved and any given family unit and its members must be in a position to be each other's support system.

When such REAL SUPPORT fails to exist in a family,the family would be deemed DYSFUNCTIONAL.


as a physician who closely observes and takes notes,

THERE ARE SO MANY SUBTLE VARIATIONS OF DYSFUNCTIONALITY which are just as damaging and are FAR MORE COMMONPLACE IN so many families.They may not be DRAMATIC but they are just as damaging.

When I write articles on this ANTIDOTE TO ANGER BLOG, i often try to PICK ONE ASPECT OF DYSFUNCTIONALITY AT A TIME and deal with it in a concise manner in a blog entry.

Feel free to browse the tag-cloud and archives to reader older articles of mine where i talk about various shades of dysfunctionality.


Tags: Robin_norwood, psychiatry, psychology, family, support_system, dysfunctionality,dysfunctional_families, family_unit,quotes




I am a 34yr old board certified female physician aka medical doctor.I have studied enough psychiatry to write articles on human psychology and psychiatry with an informed authority.As is evident from this blog of mine,I do infact WRITE articles on various aspects of socio-psychology from time to time.

I personally frown upon plagiarism and thus HAVE TO INSIST that quoting from norwood's book is NOT an effort in plagiarism.I could very well attempt to write articles on the very topics I am now quoting using norwood's words,but since I notice,that she has already done such a good and eloquent job of writing about the topics I am discussing here and since my blogs are essentially advertisement free and since I don't earn any money from my blog entries,and since norwood's book was first published in 1985 and it has almost been more than 25 years since then,quoting words from her book for NON-COMMERCIAL educational purposes might qualify as FAIR-USAGE?

Just for the sake of copyright,I am going to provide the name of the publishers who currently are associated with the book .

The name of the book from which I am quoting excerpts is WOMEN WHO LOVE TOO MUCH.

The name of the publishers ?


They have a website and if you wish to procure a copy of this book,surely,they are the right people to be contacted.Here I have to CLARIFY,that I have NOT been paid by them or anyone else ,to quote excerpts from this book,nor have I been paid in any form or kind ,to mention them or the book in my blog.I am just doing this to share some relevant parts of the book for educational purposes for the benefit of my blog readers.

This book was first published in 1984 by pocket books.The copy I own was purchased from an used book store in 2005 and was a 1997,special tenth anniversary edition.

I may not completely agree with EVERYTHING in this book.However,so many sections are relevant NOT just to women,but also to men even in today's circumstances and times,27years since the book was first published.


Whenever we read a book ,or read anything anywhere for that matter,IT IS UP TO US,to take and assimilate whatever applies to us and whatever strikes right to us and leave behind what our mind percieves as something we don't want to learn.

IT IS ALL A VOLUNTARY EFFORT OF SELF DISCOVERY.There is absolutely no need to AGREE with everything every self-help book writer says.But,if something in a book or blog ,TOUCHES A CHORD in you,then assimilate it into your being, is all I am saying.

To me,it felt like,norwood almost makes you feel BAD for wanting to help others ,coz,see,according to the book,if you try to help someone out,then that means there is something WRONG WITH YOUR HEAD?

pun apart,really though,THERE IS nothing wrong with wanting to help others.INFACT,there are chances that there MAY BE NOTHING WRONG WITH YOU,if you want to help others.Infact,helping others is a great idea too.

Probably what she is trying to say through this book is that HELPING OTHERS at the cost of your own physical and mental health IS A RED FLAG.And I agree but again,helping others is a great idea!

having said that,there are some other topics in her book,which are VERY RELEVANT ,for all of us,AS THINKING FEELING HUMAN BEINGS and as human beings who have emotionally shut ourselves down to a point of numbness.

This book was on the NUMBER ONE newyorktimes bestseller list.But,then,I don't really place much importance to the nytimes bestseller list,coz,all kindsa IDIOT BOOKS do make it to that,yeah,don't go by bestseller lists.Just read and assimilate what you feel is right.k?

Robin Norwood's guidelines for identifying WOMEN WHO LOVE TOO MUCH-quote and discussion

This Blog article(EXCEPT EXCERPTS and QUOTES) is creative property of Dr.A.R aka LecinQblog.This blog article originally was written for and is meant to appear on any one of the blogs in this list .If you find this blog article anywhere other than on BLOGSPOT,please visit my original blog,find my email address and email me with details of where else you read this blog entry.All my blogs are AD-free blogs AND I completely frown upon someone else trying to make money off my blogs without my prior written permission.



Robin Norwood guidelines for identifying WOMEN WHO LOVE TOO MUCH


1/Typically,you come from a dysfunctional home in which YOUR EMOTIONAL NEEDS WERE NOT MET.

2/Having received little real nurturing yourself,you try to fill this unmet need vicariously by becoming a care-giver,especially to men who appear ,in some way,needy.

3/Because you were never able to change your parent(s) into the warm,loving caretaker(s) you longed for,you respond deeply to the familiar type of EMOTIONALLY UNAVAILABLE MAN whom you can again try to change through your love.

4/Terrified of abandonment,you will do anything to keep a relationship from dissolving.

5/Almost nothing is too much trouble,takes too much time ,or is too expensive if it will "help" the man you are involved with.


7/You are willing to take far more than 50 percent of the RESPONSIBILITY,guilt,and blame in any relationship.

8/Your self-esteem is critically low ,and deep inside YOU DO NOT BELIEVE YOU DESERVE TO BE HAPPY.Rather ,you believe you must EARN the right to enjoy life.

9/You have a desperate need to control your menand your relationships,having experienced LITTLE SECURITY IN CHILDHOOD.,You MASK your efforts to control people and situations as "BEING HELPFUL"

10/In a relationship,you are much more in touch with your dream OF HOW IT COULD BE than with the REALITY OF THE SITUATION.

11/You are addicted to men and to emotional pain.

12/You may be predisposed emotionally and often biochemically to becoming addicted to drugs,alcohol and /or certain foods,particularly sugary ones.


14/You may have a tendency towards episodes of depression,which you try to FORESTALL through the EXCITEMENT PROVIDED BY AN UNSTABLE RELATIONSHIP.

15/You are not attracted to men who are kind,stable,reliable and interested in you .You find such "nice" men boring.



Tags: Robin_norwood, psychiatry, psychology, family, support_system, dysfunctionality,dysfunctional_families, family_unit,quotes,women_who_love_too_much,book_review,11days300pages,love,desire,romance,women,Guidelines to identify women who love too much



I am a 34yr old board certified female physician aka medical doctor.I have studied enough psychiatry to write articles on human psychology and psychiatry with an informed authority.As is evident from this blog of mine,I do infact WRITE articles on various aspects of socio-psychology from time to time.

I personally frown upon plagiarism and thus HAVE TO INSIST that quoting from norwood's book is NOT an effort in plagiarism.I could very well attempt to write articles on the very topics I am now quoting using norwood's words,but since I notice,that she has already done such a good and eloquent job of writing about the topics I am discussing here and since my blogs are essentially advertisement free and since I don't earn any money from my blog entries,and since norwood's book was first published in 1985 and it has almost been more than 25 years since then,quoting words from her book for NON-COMMERCIAL educational purposes might qualify as FAIR-USAGE?

Just for the sake of copyright,I am going to provide the name of the publishers who currently are associated with the book .

The name of the book from which I am quoting excerpts is WOMEN WHO LOVE TOO MUCH.

The name of the publishers ?


They have a website and if you wish to procure a copy of this book,surely,they are the right people to be contacted.Here I have to CLARIFY,that I have NOT been paid by them or anyone else ,to quote excerpts from this book,nor have I been paid in any form or kind ,to mention them or the book in my blog.I am just doing this to share some relevant parts of the book for educational purposes for the benefit of my blog readers.

This book was first published in 1984 by pocket books.The copy I own was purchased from an used book store in 2005 and was a 1997,special tenth anniversary edition.

I may not completely agree with EVERYTHING in this book.However,so many sections are relevant NOT just to women,but also to men even in today's circumstances and times,27years since the book was first published.


Whenever we read a book ,or read anything anywhere for that matter,IT IS UP TO US,to take and assimilate whatever applies to us and whatever strikes right to us and leave behind what our mind percieves as something we don't want to learn.

IT IS ALL A VOLUNTARY EFFORT OF SELF DISCOVERY.There is absolutely no need to AGREE with everything every self-help book writer says.But,if something in a book or blog ,TOUCHES A CHORD in you,then assimilate it into your being, is all I am saying.

To me,it felt like,norwood almost makes you feel BAD for wanting to help others ,coz,see,according to the book,if you try to help someone out,then that means there is something WRONG WITH YOUR HEAD?

pun apart,really though,THERE IS nothing wrong with wanting to help others.INFACT,there are chances that there MAY BE NOTHING WRONG WITH YOU,if you want to help others.Infact,helping others is a great idea too.

Probably what she is trying to say through this book is that HELPING OTHERS at the cost of your own physical and mental health IS A RED FLAG.And I agree but again,helping others is a great idea!

having said that,there are some other topics in her book,which are VERY RELEVANT ,for all of us,AS THINKING FEELING HUMAN BEINGS and as human beings who have emotionally shut ourselves down to a point of numbness.

This book was on the NUMBER ONE newyorktimes bestseller list.But,then,I don't really place much importance to the nytimes bestseller list,coz,all kindsa IDIOT BOOKS do make it to that,yeah,don't go by bestseller lists.Just read and assimilate what you feel is right.k?


Robin Norwood talks about LABELS-QUOTE and discussion

This Blog article(EXCEPT EXCERPTS) is creative property of Dr.A.R aka LecinQblog.This blog article originally was written for and is meant to appear on any one of the blogs in this list .If you find this blog article anywhere other than on BLOGSPOT,please visit my original blog,find my email address and email me with details of where else you read this blog entry.All my blogs are AD-free blogs AND I completely frown upon someone else trying to make money off my blogs without my prior written permission.



Perhaps,though your problems with men are similar to theirs,you will have difficulty associating yourself with the "labels" that apply to come of these women's backgrounds.We all have strong emotional reactions to words like ALCOHOLISM,incest,VIOLENCE and addiction , and sometimes we cannot look at our own lives realistically because we are so afraid of having these LABELS apply to us or to those we love.

Sadly, our inability to use the words where they apply often precludes our getting APPROPRIATE HELP.


This is an excerpt from the book WOMEN WHO LOVE TOO MUCH by Robin Norwood.


My personal anecdote about labels

If you are a regular reader of my tweets,you will also notice how much i dislike stereotyping and labels and rigid useless social rules.

PEOPLE label things coz they don't understand certain behaviors or are afraid of certain behaviors..

labelling is used as a social technique to control and stigmatize ..IT IS THE SOCIAL STIGMA associated with labels that I object to.``



Tags: Robin_norwood, psychiatry, psychology, family, support_system, dysfunctionality,dysfunctional_families, family_unit,quotes,women_who_love_too_much,book_review,11days300pages,love,desire,romance,women,labels,sociology



I am a 34yr old board certified female physician aka medical doctor.I have studied enough psychiatry to write articles on human psychology and psychiatry with an informed authority.As is evident from this blog of mine,I do infact WRITE articles on various aspects of socio-psychology from time to time.

I personally frown upon plagiarism and thus HAVE TO INSIST that quoting from norwood's book is NOT an effort in plagiarism.I could very well attempt to write articles on the very topics I am now quoting using norwood's words,but since I notice,that she has already done such a good and eloquent job of writing about the topics I am discussing here and since my blogs are essentially advertisement free and since I don't earn any money from my blog entries,and since norwood's book was first published in 1985 and it has almost been more than 25 years since then,quoting words from her book for NON-COMMERCIAL educational purposes might qualify as FAIR-USAGE?

Just for the sake of copyright,I am going to provide the name of the publishers who currently are associated with the book .

The name of the book from which I am quoting excerpts is WOMEN WHO LOVE TOO MUCH.

The name of the publishers ?


They have a website and if you wish to procure a copy of this book,surely,they are the right people to be contacted.Here I have to CLARIFY,that I have NOT been paid by them or anyone else ,to quote excerpts from this book,nor have I been paid in any form or kind ,to mention them or the book in my blog.I am just doing this to share some relevant parts of the book for educational purposes for the benefit of my blog readers.

This book was first published in 1984 by pocket books.The copy I own was purchased from an used book store in 2005 and was a 1997,special tenth anniversary edition.

I may not completely agree with EVERYTHING in this book.However,so many sections are relevant NOT just to women,but also to men even in today's circumstances and times,27years since the book was first published.


Whenever we read a book ,or read anything anywhere for that matter,IT IS UP TO US,to take and assimilate whatever applies to us and whatever strikes right to us and leave behind what our mind percieves as something we don't want to learn.

IT IS ALL A VOLUNTARY EFFORT OF SELF DISCOVERY.There is absolutely no need to AGREE with everything every self-help book writer says.But,if something in a book or blog ,TOUCHES A CHORD in you,then assimilate it into your being, is all I am saying.

To me,it felt like,norwood almost makes you feel BAD for wanting to help others ,coz,see,according to the book,if you try to help someone out,then that means there is something WRONG WITH YOUR HEAD?

pun apart,really though,THERE IS nothing wrong with wanting to help others.INFACT,there are chances that there MAY BE NOTHING WRONG WITH YOU,if you want to help others.Infact,helping others is a great idea too.

Probably what she is trying to say through this book is that HELPING OTHERS at the cost of your own physical and mental health IS A RED FLAG.And I agree but again,helping others is a great idea!

having said that,there are some other topics in her book,which are VERY RELEVANT ,for all of us,AS THINKING FEELING HUMAN BEINGS and as human beings who have emotionally shut ourselves down to a point of numbness.

This book was on the NUMBER ONE newyorktimes bestseller list.But,then,I don't really place much importance to the nytimes bestseller list,coz,all kindsa IDIOT BOOKS do make it to that,yeah,don't go by bestseller lists.Just read and assimilate what you feel is right.k?



Saturday, October 12, 2013


This Blog article is creative property of Dr.A.R aka LecinQblog.This blog article originally was written for and is meant to appear on any one of the blogs in this list .If you find this blog article anywhere other than on BLOGSPOT,please visit my original blog,find my email address and email me with details of where else you read this blog entry.All my blogs are AD-free blogs AND I completely frown upon someone else trying to make money off my blogs without my prior written permission.



I meant to write this blog article maybe a couple of months ago...and given that blogs that were meant to be written way back in nov 2005 are still pending(yes,I WAS BLOGGING EVEN THEN and even much before that!),This minor delay in writing this blog is just

A couple of months ago,MR.T posted something online,which if you examine carefully was done by him in a spirit of PLAYFULNESS .He was attempting to be funny.

Sometimes the strange deep truths of our souls suddenly get exposed when they are trying to be funny.

He made a joke,which if you look carefully,exposes his own racist undertones...and...the fact that he didn't even realize prior to making such a joke that it could possibly be construed as being racist,tells how NORMAL he consider such a joke to be !

For me getting turned on by someone ,HAS A STRONG ILLOGICAL EMOTIONAL FACTOR TO IT.AGain,so many underlying factors to why i find whom sexy too!maybe another blog entry for that,k?


But then once he made that joke..I WAS LIKE, 'what?"

Anyways,I pointed it out to him,many many days later,as to how thoughtless his joke was...

NOT SURE,if he took my criticism TOO MUCH to his heart or what.

Either ways..Ever since that joke incident happened...I DON'T FIND HIM SEXY ANYMORE.

Yes,the man about whom I WROTE THE LONGEST POEM IN MY BLOG HISTORY...LOL,that man,MR.T,I didn't find sexy anymore.:(((


says something stupid and boom,IN ONE GO,his smouldering sexuality flies out the window..and suddenly,I start looking at him like what he really is.

He is married

.(usually the moment i know someone is married,I automatically get turned off-but anyways)

He is too old

(again,once someone is not in my age group 3 yrs give or take,THEY AUTOMATICALLY create a mental block-but off late, so many older men catching my interest.:(( I blame for doing this to my mindset-he kinda eliminated that mindblock and now I am jail broken!

He has the responsibility of three kids

and a financially dependant wife! (Again,way back in 2008,i wrote a blog entry about what kind of a man i would date or marry, and mr.t IS LIKE a sure ANTI-THESIS to those list of things i want in a man.Not sure which blog i wrote this blog entry on-just scroll up to the top of the page and there are links to all five or six blogs I write and you can scour the archives for that older blog read, I insist)

He is a high school drop-out. (

I am of the opinion that all of us must have the determination to complete SOME BASIC EDUCATION -like a GRAD DEGREE..Doing a post grad and phd is totally a further decision..but please please GO TO COLLEGE-IT IS A RITE OF PASSAGE)

He is not a SUPER-genius at his trade either.

His expertise comes from having done the same thing for years and years...When people get good at things they did for years and decades,that is NOT is DEDICATION AND HARDWORK and practice.(which are good things,btw)

Now ,after he said that "something stupid",suddenly,all I COULD SEE HIM is as this old man,who dropped out of school,picked up whatever job he could,WORKED HARD and gained material success and fame but still his job is not some SUPER GENIUS INTELLECTUAL JOB OR SOME SUCH...he has a wife, kids,and well, NOT MY TYPE!

FUNNY,how some sudden incident BREAKS UP THE MIRAGE we were floating in comfortably for so long...I AM GLAD THAT MIRAGE GOT BROKEN,coz now,I FEEL FREE( I don't have committment phobia or anything..but committing to the wrong things is detrimental to self-growth and suffocating)

Anyways,there are still some warm feelings of goodwill left..


I STILL SEE HIM AS A KIND MAN AND A NICE PERSON and a chirpy quirky funny personality.. and his face maybe old but still cute nevertheless..and the reason why I NAMED HIM MR.T is coz he has an amazingly bronze naturally tan complexion--and i like that very much...and he still has that complexion the name stays good

aND SINCE he is still a NICE PERSON in my books.I WILL ALWAYS WISH HIM WELL... and want him to do good...Best wishes? AND HUGS TOO...( I am such a hugs person)

but as of now, THE LOVE BOAT HAS SAILED and I am still one the shore! yay!

Tags: mr_t, love_lost, love, happiness, kindness,simplicity,sweet_guy,old_man,hugs_and_goodbye,

Tuesday, October 1, 2013



This Blog article is creative property of Dr.A.R aka LecinQblog.This blog article originally was written for and is meant to appear on any one of the blogs in this list .If you find this blog article anywhere other than on BLOGSPOT,please visit my original blog,find my email address and email me with details of where else you read this blog entry.All my blogs are AD-free blogs AND I completely frown upon someone else trying to make money off my blogs without my prior written permission.




The part very relevant for me in defining my relationship with


For the woman who loves too much,the practice of denial,magnanimously rephrased as "overlooking his faults" or "keeping a positive attitude," conveniently sidesteps the TWO-TO-TANGO aspect of how his shortcomings allow her to practice her familiar roles.When her drive to control masquerades as "being helpful" and "giving encouragement",WHAT IS IGNORED again is her own need for the superiority and power implied in this kind of interaction!




I mean,when I go read my old emails to him or my old blog entries about him,I notice that I constantly use words or phrases that amount to,OVERLOOKING HIS FAULTS,blah blah blah, AND BEING HELPFUL,blah blah blah and GIVING ENCOURAGEMENT,

Infact,FUNNILy,given that I am a doctor and well versed in psychiatry,in an ironic manner,I MYSELF mentioned the TWO-TO-TANGO analogy too somewhere in my tweets and emails back then.


I think My decision to get romantically involved with ,DEFINITELY had elements of "MY OWN NEEDS FOR SUPERIORITY and power"...coz,see,It all started off with me trying to have COUNSELING CONVERSATIONS WITH HIM FOR HIS ALCOHOLISM.

He kept steering the conversations into a sexually toned conversation.

I mean,i am a,seriously,I SHOULD NOT HAVE GOTTEN INVOLVED WITH HIM ROMANTICALLY given how troubled he was.But I did.why?

The reason why i thought it was okay to do so ,was coz,somewhere in the deepest depths of my mind,I was enjoying that NEED FOR SUPERIORITY that comes with being that ENCOURAGING WOMAN TO A TROUBLED ALCOHOLIC MAN?

hmmmmm,also,the whole time that the interaction lasted,I was clearly AWARE that there was something wrong in me,for wanting to be with him.LOL..AND I KEPT MENTIONING THAT IN EMAILS TO!



I am a 34yr old board certified female physician aka medical doctor.I have studied enough psychiatry to be able to write articles on human psychology and psychiatry with an informed authority.As is evident from this blog of mine,I do infact WRITE articles on various aspects of socio-psychology from time to time.

I personally frown upon plagiarism and thus HAVE TO INSIST that quoting from norwood's book is NOT an effort in plagiarism.I could very well attempt to write articles on these very topics that I am now quoting using norwood's words,but since I notice,that she has already done such a good and eloquent job of writing about the topics I am discussing here and since my blogs are essentially advertisement-free and since I don't earn any money from my blog entries,and since norwood's book was first published in 1985 and it has almost been more than 25 years since then,quoting words from her book for NON-COMMERCIAL educational purposes might qualify as FAIR-USAGE?

Just for the sake of copyright,I am going to provide the name of the publishers who currently are associated with the book .

The name of the book from which I am quoting excerpts is WOMEN WHO LOVE TOO MUCH.

The name of the publishers ?


They have a website and if you wish to procure a copy of this book,surely,they are the right people to be contacted.

Here I have to CLARIFY,that I have NOT been paid by them or anyone else ,to quote excerpts from this book,nor have I been paid in any form or kind ,to mention them or the book in my blog.I am just doing this to share some relevant parts of the book for educational purposes for the benefit of my blog readers.

This book was first published in 1984 by pocket books.The copy I own was purchased from an used book store in 2005 and was a 1997,special tenth anniversary edition.

I may not completely agree with EVERYTHING in this book.However,so many sections are relevant NOT just to women,but also to men even in today's circumstances and times,27years since the book was first published.


Whenever we read a book ,or read anything anywhere for that matter,IT IS UP TO US,to take and assimilate whatever applies to us and whatever strikes right to us and leave behind what our mind percieves as something we don't want to learn.

IT IS ALL A VOLUNTARY EFFORT OF SELF DISCOVERY.There is absolutely no need to AGREE with everything every self-help book writer says.But,if something in a book or blog ,TOUCHES A CHORD in you,then assimilate it into your being, is all I am saying.

To me,it felt like,norwood almost makes you feel BAD for wanting to help others ,coz,see,according to the book,if you try to help someone out,then that means there is something WRONG WITH YOUR HEAD?

pun apart,really though,THERE IS nothing wrong with wanting to help others.INFACT,there are chances that there MAY BE NOTHING WRONG WITH YOU,if you want to help others.Infact,helping others is a great idea too.

Probably,what she is trying to say through this book is that HELPING OTHERS at the cost of your own physical and mental health IS A RED FLAG.And I agree with her.But again ,I still think that helping others is a great idea!

Having said all this,there are some other topics in her book,which are VERY RELEVANT ,for all of us,AS THINKING FEELING HUMAN BEINGS and as human beings who have emotionally shut ourselves down to a point of numbness.

This book was on the NUMBER ONE newyorktimes bestseller list.But,then,I don't really place much importance to the nytimes bestseller list,coz,all kindsa IDIOT BOOKS do make it to that,yeah,don't go by bestseller lists.

Just read and assimilate what you feel is right.k?


Sunday, June 16, 2013

My fondest memories of me with my dad,so far!

1/My earliest memory of him was me and him walking in the evening to
the juice bar near our home,me holding his fat index finger (he was
not fat,but he had chubby hands) ,the index finger which he would
point out to me ,gesturing for me to hold it.I prolly was four or five
then?evening walks and grape juice..(which I found too sour to my
taste btw,so I would drink pineapple juice)

2/As a kid,in second grade,I remember him offering to make me instant
ramen noodles-and he was enticing me saying how tasty it was gonna
be.It was early evening.This memory is imprinted in my mind for some
reason!We had a cherry wood cupboard and bright windows in that living
room back then.

3/As a kid,my dad would make us FINGER CHIPS,his name for freedom
fries..or french fries.HE MAKES THEM WELL TOO.Fresh cut potato fries
are the best.

4/Sometime around fourth/fifth grade,he taught me how to use the knife
and fork.We had a green dining table then and the kitchen opened up to
a spacious backyard with a kitchen garden...And one morning , he was
like,wait,you are doing it wrong,hold the fork with your left hand and
here pick up the knife, hold it with your right..and boom,I LEARNED

5/Sometime during sixth grade,my mom was out of town and so,for
dinner,my dad took me to a restaurant and I had tomato soup...the
croutons crunched in my mouth and back then I didn't know what I
ate--I didn't know they were,I thought to myself that
they were magic ingredients in the soup that crunched in your

6/Also,in seventh grade,my dad made me my school lunch for 4 days when
my mom was out of town..So,each day,in my school lunch,I would
find,PLUM CAKE in my lunch box, in addition to the usual fare..What a
tasty surprise..awww.

7/Yeah,another fond memory was our sunday strolling trips when I was
in first and second grade.We would walk all the way to the strip mall
near our home and they he would buy shampoo for himself and he would
buy BUBBLEGUM for me..There has been many a sunday wherein,i have
swallowed the bubblegum while chewing on the way back and then spent
all sunday worrying about what would happen to me coz i swallowed
gum..true story

8/Another evening stroll memory with my father is that of our bakery
visits..he would buy me glazed cherries or cumin tea biscuits at the
bakery and I would watch all the evening walkers at the stores while
we strolled...awwww.What fond memories(wonder,if dad remembers our
strolls-must email him or call him to find out)

9/As I grew up,dad kept traveling so much for work that he barely got
time to spend with,some stories amiss from that phase of my

10/This may not be a fond memory but a deeply imprinted memory of my
dad walking around with the vacuum cleaner all around the house
cleaning on sundays, not allowing us kids to sleep in late on a
..the vroom vroom of his vacuum cleaner would automatically wake up
us ,as he would mindlessly try to vacuum around us in our
bedrooms..LOL..SERIOUSLY,,,come on!

11/During eleventh and 12th grade,my dad has accidentally come across
me on streets,RIDING the motorbike..."JUST TOO FAST" to quote his own
words..He would be like, " I saw you riding here and here on your
bike..I saw you from my car ..and you were just riding too
fast"'LOL...and yeah,,he would be after my case for not washing my
bike and keeping it clean...btw,,the motorbike was his gift to me for
TOPPING IN SCIENCE AND MATH AND EVERY other subject in school in the
tenth grade...Yay me!

12/One fond memory with him was me at 16yrs of age,learning to drive
and then with our chauffeur beside me in the front of the car and my
dad and sis and mom on the back seat.I drove on the freeway for the
first time ,very efficiently ..and everyone was so proud of me ,that
I drove so well, and then I GOT STUCK on gear shift on the way back
..and all hell broke loose..LOL..Then the chaffeur had to take over
and get the car out of the mess ..

13/Before entering med school, I actually semi graduated in,during that grad school,one of my grad school friends
would visit me at my home quite often..For some reason,my dad kept
complaining that I made friends with NO-GOODERs.
seriously,he would mock this poor girl(in her absence ofcourse) .NOT a
fond memory,but a deeply imprinted one at that.

14/My dad came with me when i took my college admission tests prior med school.
and my dad came with me when I joined med school...Such a proud day
for him...and then I called mom and told her I got into med school...A
BIG dream realized for me..AND I am glad my dad was there that moment
to share it with me..:))I think I made him damn mighty proud that day!

15/During the first year of med school, my dad and mom ,would come
visit me often,coz in their minds,I was still their little daughter
and so,they thought, i needed frequent checking on....
My dad would buy me BOXES of chocolate bars during each visit,enough
to last me till the next time he visits.
GENEROUS dad my dad...not just with chocolates but with BUYING ME
BOOKS-VERY GENEROUS,no questions asked,all books will be bought
without question...:))))

16/I think>>> I kinda moved away from home at the age of 19 for med
school and NEVER MOVED BACK...I have from time to time STAYED with my
parents for long periods, maybe a few months...but, see, WE BIRDIE
KIDS have flown the nest...We are now strong , professional
women..dreaming our own dreams,making it big ...and making our parents
proud...but my dad misses us day very recently blurted out,"oh
but I love for my kids to be near me all the time"

MANY more fond memories waiting to happen..and so,on this day.
them sitting proud in the audience..cheering me away...HUGS DEAR PA

Friday, May 10, 2013

Engineering and quilting,surgery and quilting -my opinions and yet another spacefem quote-job stereotypes

I am a female surgeon and my twitter friend @spacefem is an
engineer.Both of us are also enthusiastic sewers.....
(when I say SEWERS, I mean, SEWING sewers,
not sewage sewers..had to clarify,and kinda try and make everyone laugh)

Sometimes,in a world where STEREOTYPING is a big
problem especially when it comes to job descriptions,where it is a
common myth that all of us can only do just one job PERFECTLY and due to
the fact that we can do a particular job perfectly,we then are meant
to be incapable of doing other jobs which are SEEMINGLY on the
opposite pole of the skills spectrum...
A physician(like me) or an engineer(like @spacefem)
are considered BRAINY "science job" people and somehow given that we
are the SMARTIEPANTS,we are often expected to be LESS ARTSY or more
clumsy at social interaction and such...often directly attributed to
the fact that we are so good at science.
I have to clarfiy to one and all here that I have NEVER
also a surgeon and all three are just fine to occur in a single human occurs very often..More often than social
stereotyping allows to believe!
So, is science, and science is art
and really...there is no distinction at all.
quote, what prompted this QUICK BLOG ENTRY>>>>>A blog entry by
@spacefem,where she talks about how NASA astronaut profiles often
MINCE words sending subliminal messages about what is expected of a
certain job or gender or some such...

Here are her words
The sewing I'd done since I was 10 years old should have helped lend
me CREDIT in my own mind, to beat the impostor syndrome. My good
friend mrs_dragon, a fellow engineer who sews, was the one who finally
pointed out to me how you can't love quilting if you hate math. We are
assembling puzzles, solving problems, negotiating materials.
Engineering requires gobs of creativity, wrapped around practical
applications... who's got more of that than a girl who sews?

You can go here to read SPACEFEM's complete blog entry

You can also go here to read the NASA PROFILE that prompted HER to
write her blog entry


Sunday, April 28, 2013

The "blessed to have such a husband"syndrome!

This lady blogs each foodblog entry with a line that starts with how
blessed she is to have a husband who just eats whatever she makes.
Blessed?wtf?BLESSED to have a husband who doesn't
participate in the kitchen chores,and just MAKES YOU prepare dinner
?WTF ?what kind of a blessing is that?

Are you a financially dependant female spouse?AAAH.THAT
PROLLY,explains the whole "BLESSING'...given that HE EARNS THE MONEY
that you use to buy the groceries, YET,he doesn't DEMAND you to make
the things he likes and JUST EATS what you make which inadveratantly
IS(Insert my sarcastic tone!)

Twisted are the lanes of familial abuse....Financial control,emotional
control,the sex for money situations,and many such twisted invisible
lanes of abuse I won't and can't dwell on in this blog entry.
IN SON CENTRIC CULTURES, Parents bring up their
famale children WITHOUT much love or inspiration coz ,only children
who are most likely to take care of you in your old age are supposed
to be nurtured with education and love(selfish and petty style of
parenting this)
In such cultures,The girl child is pretty much
abandoned coz,she is most likely going to provide SEX (sex is seen as
some negotiable commodity in the business of marraige in such
cultures) and CHORES,BREEDING SERVICES to her future husband and not
to the birth family.They might feed her but there is no real
nuruturing of the female child emotionally or intellectually in such
selfish SONG CRAZY cultures!
FIRST practices that assign strict rules on which
gender must do what.
"First culprit" in what you might ask.First culprit in GENERATING
WOMEN who grow up to have the mindset as to how blessed they are coz
their husband eats what they prepares at dinner.

Given that my parents decided to give me an education and loved me
enough to make me supersmart and have oodles of self esteem,I want to
ask all the wives who feel blessed to have HUSBANDS in the first place
and then husbands who won't ever lay a hand on them in the second
place and thirdly, as AN EXTENSION of the same thought process,WIVES
who feel blessed that their husbands eat whatever they prepare without
a fuss.

HERE IS A LIST OF MY QUESTIONS?Dear blessed wives club,
a/are you financially dependant on your husband?Do you have enough
educational qualifications or a skill set to succesfully get a job
oustide of your home that will be able to finance a lifestyle that
your husband is currently able to provide with his sole earnings?
b/Does your husband have hands and legs?are they functional?then why
is he NOT DOING half of the kitchen chores?Why is he NOT in charge of
half of the dinners, and half of the dishcleaning and half of all
other chores?Why are you the one always preparing dinner?
c/Do you have a daughter?Are you psychologically training her to be
the second grade citizen of yet another family in the future?
d/Do you realize that you have the mindset of a GLORIFIED PET?
Fucking idiots!

Friday, April 26, 2013

Relearning and Unlearning,savasana-Another jason quote and my anecdotes

jason's blogged.
He blogged after a long long time, after I finally tweeted him to
actually blog(I waited for quite a bit before finally I had blog
cravings,upon which,i tweet requested for a blog from him)

Here are few lines from the blog.
I've been re-learning lately that it's best not to think about any of
that stuff and just speak. off the cuff. from the heart.
Real life, even a somewhat routine and boring life, if honored
honestly, provides plenty of great material.
I love happy endings. I just loathe the beginnings
Because, in summary, the benefit IS the happy ending. Am I right?
As an adult, looking back at what I know now, and based on how I feel
today as a practitioner of yoga, I wish my school had added yoga when
I was in kindergarten. Along with pole dancing.
It's non-aggressive, non-competitive, non-religious, and nowhere near
dangerous. I've never seen anyone sprain an ankle or break a nose in a
yoga class. If anything it teaches compassion, patience and focus. And
humility. If you fart

You can find the whole source blog of this quote here

First off,given that I AM a PHYSICIAN and human physiology expert and
also ,coz i know and can name every single bone,nerve and muscle in
the body(yes,all of them have names and predetermined origins and
endings and functions too)...I CAN SECOND WHAT JASON IS SAYING HERE
about yoga and how it is VERY SCIENTIFIC much more than any other
exercise routine.

AND ALSO, coz i am a sanskrit expert ,I am gonna add a wee bit of
sanskrit LINGUISTIC nugget in here.
SAVASANA, the last resting pose, as jason puts it is actually a
sanskrit phrase which roots from combing words SAVA which means CORPSE
and asana which means pose...So SAVASANA essentially is CORPSE
POSE.:)) Helps the body go to an immensely restful stage much akin to
a corpse..

tHANKEE JASE,,for blogging..and thank you all readers for reading!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Training future victims-Gender discriminatory parenting!

Not providing opportunities,encouragement ,love and education to your
female children is like training future victims who will be so
financially dependant on someone else, they will be prone to being


Be generous,fair and unconditional parents.

Teach your daughters to have an education and a job and the right to
love and marry ONLY someone they really do love without any financial

Empower them enough, so that when they grow up, they will have the
freedom to love and seek someone they emotionally and intellectually
and physically are attracted to ,instead of being so financially
desperate that they seek to marry someone that can finance their


An adult female is a great intellectual resource-don't let it go waste
by forcing women to sit at home and do everyone else's share of house


Saturday, February 23, 2013

Dysfunctional relationships as a cause of SHOPPING ADDICTION and HOARDING!

Okay! when you are born to a generous dad who decides to give you tons of spending money coz he is so proud his dearest daughter got into MED SCHOOL, you end up having too many shoes in med school.why? and how?let me tell you the story now

I used to buy one pair of shoes every week(okay,once every three weeks to be very accurate.LOL.Once a week is just too much even by bored spendthrift standards!).

(on retrospect , I think I USED to do that coz I WAS with a guy who was "kinda" my boyfriend by the default rule that we hung out together a lot.WE were so incompatible that I kinda shut myself out OF anything he had to say by actually at point of our acquaintance asking him NOT TO SHARE HIS PERSONAL STUFF TOO MUCH with me anymore..WHY ON earth did I DO THAT?

Well, for one, by the third date, I REALIZED that he was VERY FAKE, as in , THE FRONT HE WAS PUTTING UP for me to see, was not the real him..
From my visit to his home, I GATHERED that he had a lot of secrets, a lot of skeletons in the cupboard(which btw, as time went on I found out or figured out and then I REELED IN SHOCK at those shocking secrets of his and then I went into a deep depressive mode for years TILL I FINALLY BROKE UP WITH HIM..I was shocked and appaled and scared to even break up with him for the longest time.I WAS SHOCKED INTO inaction and ended up  FREEZING time in my head.really!)

And around that same time , like I already stated, I also realized that WHATEVER he told me WAS HIS CLEVER MANIPULATIVE VERSION of his side of the story...WHICH WERE ALL REALLY FAR FROM THE ACTUAL TRUTH of what actually happened.

In short, HE WAS A BROKEN, DAMAGED confused guy .
I figured..I CAN SAVE MYSELF THE STRESS of knowing all the disturbing shit, by simply REFUSING to listen to the manipulative banter altogether.

NO POINT..ya know..

I HAVE THIS TENDENCY to completely shut myself out of conversations from people WHO distress me with their dishonesty! I hate small talk too.

So,yeah, coming back to the shoes, well, since WE HAD NO REAL CONVERSATIONS anymore since i SHUT MYSELF OUT of him, we spent most of our dates each day, just walking down shopping malls/streets and sit at a cafe, with me and a medical textbook or me nervously bantering about the nasty people at the dorm and such mainly coz someone had to fill the silences..AND given that he was bitter that I WON'T LET HIM SHARE HIS STORIES(all cleverly put stories of his), he sat there, not really listening, but just all glazed out..passive aggressive behavior from his part.

he was much like an au pair for my trips to the shopping mall.

I didn't like shopping malls or cafes either,but since, he no longer wanted me visiting his home (coz , i started asking too many questions about his lifestyle I suppose),we really had no place to meet after college..
Given that i hated him so much and given how incompatible we were,Why were we still meeting up? For one, HE HAD NO GUTS TO JUST BREAK UP ..and I was too shocked to take any action.

NEITHER OF US WANTED the relationship ANYMORE..i suppose, but we went on and on with it ..LIKE IDIOTS who had no value for time  and as if ,we deserved to punish ourselves with a dysfunctional,non-productive,destructive relationship.

Amidst all the silences and resentment and passive aggressive non-involvment from his side,IT would get all boring ,what with the NON COMMUNCATION and bitter silences and what not, that I WOULD end up shopping for no reason ..FOR THINGS I REALLY I didn't NEED or care about to begin with.
SHOES come into the picture.maybe handbags,books and dresses figured somewhere there too on the list.

sO,EACH DAY,i kept meeting this guy,whom, right from the second date,I HATED WITH ALL MY HEART, and yet,I just went on and on with it and in the process LOST OUT a lot, and also kept BUYING AND HOARDING STUFF??

Finally,after med school,I FINALLY BROKE UP WITH HIM ONE DAY.

and funnily,I soon stopped compulsive shopping too..
.I REALLY WAS NEVER A PATHOLOGICAL SHOPPER before i met him and I WENT BACK TO MY ORIGINAL happy self once i broke up with him.

That really told me as to how UNHAPPY he made me feel in life,so much to a point where i started developing unhealthy habits of compulsive shopping and such!

Where am i going with this blog article?

So,people,if you see yourself compuslively SHOPPING for things you don't need or compulsively running after materialistic things like shoes,perfumes and handbags,it is time to LOOK AT YOUR OWN LIFE WITH ALL HONESTY, to see if the relationships you have with people around you are distressing you in some way or if there is some emptiness in your heart or disappointments about yourself which you are trying to compensate by HOARDING STUFF.

Friday, February 15, 2013


Life and People are VERY COMPLEX.There are thousand little facets to
every individual that make them a UNIQUE SET OF

An inter-racial marriage

An Interracial marriage can EITHER be about an extremely open
mind,unconditional love OR disapproval/shame about one's own

misplaced anger and misplaced reactions

I categorize their weird reactions as"misplaced anger".Time to
introspect into their own life and find the anger

Saturday, February 2, 2013

another LOCO quote-this time about newyork

If you are a follower of my ANTIDOTE TO ANGER blog, long ago,I once
wrote about BUBBLE BIOMA PEOPLE...and I was referring mostly to
newyorkers in that blog entry.
very recently i read this blog entry by loco where he EXACTLY talks
about the same thing ,about how NEWYORKERS are so sheltered..and I AM

New York is such a place that one can lose sight of how close-minded
and shut-off people can be and often are. It's a warped view of the
world presented as the real thing. New York is merely a city aspiring
to the potential, an active effort to represent the ideal of humanity.
But New York is not the world. New York is not even America

tAGS: loco ,quotes,bioma,sheltered,newyork

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Glad I asked

I am glad I asked,instead of IMAGINING the reasons.Atleast,NOW I KNOW
the real reasons and not MY imagined

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