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Monday, October 31, 2011

Same begets same-change the pattern to avoid usual sources of anger

Copyright(c)2009 Lecinqblog.Please do not reproduce without permission from Author.
Some things and people and situations may not work for us in life.They might be anxiety inducing,anger inducing and sadness inducing.The best solution for such UNCHANGEABLE source of anger is to just get away from the source.Unfortunately for many of us, the source of anxiety or sadness are sometimes people very close to us, like our own spouse or family or people at work.Most of us just can't quit out jobs or disown our families...and thus, choose to continue to expose ourselves to the constant source of anxiety induction...
So...this is where the adage SAME BEGETS SAME..comes into play...
So many people who probably get healthy both mentally and physically ,once they are REMOVED FROM THEIR USUAL ANXIETY INDUCING SITUATIONS...tend to go back into their depressive selves once they RE-INTRODUCE THEMSELVES  TO THEIR USUAL ENVIRONMENT.
This is why, so many people who go to a rehab center and seem to apparently do so well in terms of recovery while at the REHAB center...tend to RELAPSE..once they are out of the rehab center and back to their usual selves...and their usual life where they RE-EXPOSE themselves to their old sources of anger and anxiety.
What I am trying to get at here is , So many of us have an INNATE PERSONALITY...and when certain other people in our lives who are have an UNCHANGEABLE PERSONALITY TRAIT of their own that CONFLICTS WITH OUR matter , how many times we go try to reconcile and try to change things..PROBLEMS WILL RECUR..They will keep recurring ...till either one party COMPLETELY EMOTIONALLY DETACHES ITSELF AND BECOME STOIC AND DOESN'T REACT ...OR BOTH PARTIES DO SO..much like a lot of couples who continue to stay married but are barely emotionally connected on any level at all...or people who hate their families , yet religiously go attend every thanksgiving and christmas dinner...
Which is why, DIVORCES ARE GOOD...QUITTING JOBS WE DONT' LIKE IS A GREAT IDEA..but,what about parents who completely are incompatible with their children...We can't disown our parents and just walk off like nothing happened, right?parents can't forget their kids and abandon them and walk off(though i have seen so many parents abandon their young needy children for most part)We only have one set of parents and that is it ..right?So yeah.....My point here is....Some people and their innate characteristics are UNCHANGEABLE..and when such unchangeable traits in certain people instantly and undeniably cause you anxiety...the best option is to WALK AWAY AND NOT TRY TO RECONCILE..COZ RE-EXPOSURE TO THE SAME PERSON ,ONLY WILL INDUCE THE SAME INNATE REACTION IN YOU...same reaps same

Friday, October 28, 2011

Screaming at your mother constantly pointing out her shortcomings-how useful is that?

Copyright(c)2009 Lecinqblog.Please do not reproduce without permission from Author.

I am Visiting parents....constant occurance In my home these days...While I am screaming at my own mom in one room.(while my mom stands there listening to my repeated criticisms of her and how she failed as a parent),at around the same time my dad is screaming at his mom in another room of the same house..My dad's mom is 95 yrs old...mind it.....the old lady is getting screamed at by her son...LOL..seriously...NEED THIS BE HAPPENING..he is complaining about how bad a parent she really..he is 65 years old
1/we all are defined by our childhood experiences on a thousand different levels..
2/we expect our mom to be a WONDERWOMAN..anything short of us , always disappoints us
3/Screaming doesn't help anyone ever...or maybe it does, to vent.., to put a point across..maybe it works on some level..but there are better methods...maybe..maybe not..NOT SURE ABOUT THIS POINT
4/For some reason...mothers go on a guilt trip much more often than the ,it is easier to make them cry with our screaming about how bad a parent they have been ...IS THIS SOCIAL CONDITIONING that makes us all expect more from moms than dads? is it social conditioning that ABSOLVES the dads of an equal responsibility in parenting?(topic for another blog entry)
6/We are all children ..we all become kids once in front of our own parents...

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